SAS Quality Knowledge Base for Contact Information 27

Birth Number

Standardization Definition

Birth Number
Description The Birth Number standardization definition standardizes birth numbers.
Examples Input Output
9312236076 931223/6076
530731456 530731/456
535731 - 456 535731/456
93-62-23/6147 936223/6147

This standardization definition require the input data to be on the form YYMMDDOOO where YY is Year of Birth, MM is Month of Birth, DD is Day of Birth and OOO is Order Number, which consists of 3 or 4 digits. Month of Birth can have values 01 through 12 (male) or 51 through 62 (female). Order Number is 3 digits if the person is born before 1954, and 4 digits if the person is born later than 1953.

The recommended procedure is first to determine if the input string is correctly formatted and then apply standardization only to correctly formatted input data. To determine if the formatting is correct you can do one of the following:

1) Parse the string using the Birth Number parse definition. Assign a Result Code Field in DataFlux Data Management Studio Parse node. Output with NO SOLUTION results are not correctly formatted and should be treated separately.

2) Run a gender analysis on the input string using the Birth Number gender analysis definition. Input strings that get U (Unknown) result are not correctly formatted and should be treated separately.