SAS Quality Knowledge Base for Contact Information 27

City - State/Province - Postal Code

Match Definition

City - State/Province - Postal Code
Description The City - State/Province - Postal Code match definition generates match codes which can be used to cluster records containing last line address information.
Max Length of Match Code 15 characters
Examples Input Cluster ID
20080-003 Rio de Janeiro-RJ 0
Rio de Janeiro RJ 20080-003 0

Note Note: The results listed above reflect the default match sensitivity (85).

The City - State/Province - Postal Code (v27) match definition is a temporary definition provided to facilitate an upgrade of the City - State/Province - Postal Code definition. The City - State/Province - Postal Code match definition will be changing in the following way:

  • The City - State/Province - Postal Code definition accepts parsed input, but will not accept parsed input in a future release. City - State/Province - Postal Code (v27) does not accept parsed input, which will also be true of City - State/Province - Postal Code in the future. The removal of input tokens will require you to update any jobs using the Match Codes (Parsed) node for the City - State/Province - Postal Code definition, replacing the Match Codes (Parsed) node with the Match Codes node and providing input as a single field. Jobs using the Match Codes node will not require an update.

  • In a future release, the match code length will be changed. This change might require you to update any jobs using the City - State/Province - Postal Code definition so that the match code fields can handle the new length. The City - State/Province - Postal Code (v27) definition uses the match code length that will be used by City - State/Province - Postal Code in the future.

If you want to begin using the updated processing now rather than waiting for a later release, you can update your jobs to call the City - State/Province - Postal Code (v27) definition. Be aware however that the City - State/Province - Postal Code (v27) definition is deprecated and will be removed in a subsequent release when the City - State/Province - Postal Code definition is updated.