SAS Quality Knowledge Base for Contact Information 27

Date/Time (YMD) Extended

Standardization Definition

Date/Time (YMD) Extended

The Date/Time (YMD) Extended standardization definition standardizes dates that have format YMD HH:MM:SS. The output is a 4-digit year followed by a zero-padded two-digit month, followed by a zero-padded two-digit day, followed by a zero-padded two-digit hour, followed by zero-padded two-digit minutes, followed by zero-padded two-digit seconds. The day, month, and year are separated by dashes and the time elements are separated by colons. The date and the time are separated by a "T".

Examples Input Output
04/07/02 2004-07-02
1970 Oct 15 1970-10-15
2000 May 11 10:12:45 2000-05-11T10:12:45
Remarks The output of this definition is the same as Date/Time (DMY) Extended and Date/Time (MDY) Extended.