SAS Quality Knowledge Base for Contact Information 27

Date (YMD)

Standardization Definition

Date (YMD)
Description The Date (YMD) standardization definition standardizes dates that have format YMD. The output is a four-digit year, followed by a zero-padded two-digit month, followed by a zero-padded two-digit day. The year, month, and day are separated by spaces.
Examples Input Output
02July04 2002 07 04
02/07/04 2002 07 04
05July04 2005 07 04
05.07.04 2005 07 04
2005July04 2005 07 04
2005-07-04 2005 07 04
Remarks If the input year is a two-digit value, it is assumed to be within the hundred year span with 2019 as the end of the span. For example, a year of 19 will be 2019, but a year of 20 will be 1920.