Specifying Standard Values for EWMA Chart

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                    */
/*                                                                 */
/*    NAME: MACEW2                                                 */
/*   TITLE: Specifying Standard Values for EWMA Chart              */
/* PRODUCT: QC                                                     */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                    */
/*    KEYS: Moving Average Charts,                                 */
/*   PROCS: MACONTROL                                              */
/*    DATA:                                                        */
/*                                                                 */
/* SUPPORT: saswgr                                                 */
/*     REF: PROC MACONTROL, EWMACHART Statement, Example 1         */
/*                                                                 */

data Clips1;
   input Day @ ;
   do i=1 to 5;
      input Gap @ ;
   drop i;
 1  14.76  14.82  14.88  14.83  15.23
 2  14.95  14.91  15.09  14.99  15.13
 3  14.50  15.05  15.09  14.72  14.97
 4  14.91  14.87  15.46  15.01  14.99
 5  14.73  15.36  14.87  14.91  15.25
 6  15.09  15.19  15.07  15.30  14.98
 7  15.34  15.39  14.82  15.32  15.23
 8  14.80  14.94  15.15  14.69  14.93
 9  14.67  15.08  14.88  15.14  14.78
10  15.27  14.61  15.00  14.84  14.94
11  15.34  14.84  15.32  14.81  15.17
12  14.84  15.00  15.13  14.68  14.91
13  15.40  15.03  15.05  15.03  15.18
14  14.50  14.77  15.22  14.70  14.80
15  14.81  15.01  14.65  15.13  15.12
16  14.82  15.01  14.82  14.83  15.00
17  14.89  14.90  14.60  14.40  14.88
18  14.90  15.29  15.14  15.20  14.70
19  14.77  14.60  14.45  14.78  14.91
20  14.80  14.58  14.69  15.02  14.85

ods graphics on;
title 'Specifying Standard Process Mean and Standard Deviation';
proc macontrol data=Clips1;
   ewmachart Gap*Day /
      odstitle = title
      mu0      = 15
      sigma0   = 0.2
      weight   = 0.3
      xsymbol  = mu0

data Cliplim;
   length _var_ _subgrp_ _type_ $8;
   _var_    = 'Gap';
   _subgrp_ = 'Day';
   _type_   = 'STANDARD';
   _limitn_ = 5;
   _mean_   = 15;
   _stddev_ = 0.2;
   _weight_ = 0.3;

proc macontrol data=Clips1 limits=Cliplim;
   ewmachart Gap*Day /
      odstitle = title
      xsymbol  = mu0