Identify Input and Output Directories to SAS Profitability Management
This process needs to be performed for both the input and output directories.
- Log on to the SAS Management Console.
- Select the Foundation repository.
- Expand Data Library Manager.
- Right-click SAS Libraries.
- Click New Library.
Select the type of library to be created (for example, SAS Base Engine Library), and then click Next.
- Name the library, and then click Next.
- Type a libref name (the name you use to refer to the library).
The libref name must be leight characters or less.
- Specify BASE as the engine type.
- Specify the library directory path, and then click Next.
- Select SASMain as the server where the library is to be assigned.
- Click Next, and then click Finish.
- Select View
Refresh to see the library listed.