Define the Display Format for Numbers

The format of a numeric field determines how it is displayed in a report. To define the format of a numeric field, do the following:

  1. Activate the Transactions workspace, and select a model.
  2. Click Change analysis settings, (or select Edit Analysis Settings from the menu bar).
  3. Click the Measures tab. All available numeric fields in the model are listed.

    Note: Two numeric fields with the same name in different transaction table groups are considered to be the same field and are joined into the same data column in the final analysis view.
  4. Specify a SAS numeric format.

    BESTw Best available format with width=w
    COMMAw.d Comma and decimal points with width=w and decimal=d
    COMMAXw.d Comma and decimal points with width=w and decimal=d (switches the role of comma and decimal points)
    DOLLARw.d Dollar signs, comma, and decimal points with width=w and decimal=d
    DOLLARXw.d Dollar signs, comma, and decimal points with width=w and decimal=d (switches the role of comma and decimal points)
    EUROw.d Euro signs, comma, and decimal points with width=w and decimal=d
    EUROXw.d Euro signs, comma, and decimal points with width=w and decimal=d (switches the role of comma and decimal points)
    PERCENTw.d Percentage with width=w and decimal=d and a percentage sign
    Zw.d Prefixed with zero to get width=w and decimal=d
    w.d width=w and decimal=d

  5. Click OK.