Identify Input and Output Directories to Profitability Management

Repeat this entire process for both the input and output directories.

  1. Log on to the SAS Management Console.
  2. Select the Foundation repository.
  3. Expand Data Library Manager.
  4. Right-click SAS Libraries.
  5. Click New Library.
  6. Select the type of library to be created (for example, SAS Base Engine Library), and then click Next.
  7. Name the library, and then click Next.
  8. Type a libref name (the name you use to refer to the library).

    The libref name must be less than eight characters.
  9. Specify BASE as the engine type.
  10. Specify the library directory path, and then click Next.
  11. Select SASMain as the server where the library is to be assigned.
  12. Click Next, and then click Finish.
  13. Select View Refresh to see the library listed.