General Tab - Server Configuration

Note: The four server machines shown here are logical machines only - the server software can be installed on the same or on different machines.

The General tab contains the following information.

Field Description
Repository This is the SAS Metadata Repository on the SAS Metadata Server machine. The repository contains information about a Profitability Management installation.
Data server The data server is SASApp - Logical Workspace Server. The Workspace Server must be installed on the same machine on which Base SAS plus PROC TRANASSIGN is installed. The data server performs calculations.
OLAP server The OLAP server creates cubes and serves cube data to SAS Web Report Studio.
Model data

The model data library contains a list of all the models in a Profitability Management installation. It also stores the rules and rule associations for each individual model. All other information related to individual models (their dimensions, behavior table, transaction tables, report hierarchy, and report layout) reside in an input library.

The model data library must be SAS data sets.

It is recommended that the location of the model data library in the Foundation metadata repository is: SAS Folders/System/SAS Profitability Management/Profitability Mgmt 2.1.

Database version Supplied by SAS Profitability Management
Database server The database server machine is the machine hosting the database that contains Profitability Management model information.
Database type

The database type is SAS data sets

See also: