Export a Model (via Automation)

To export a model with SAS Profitability Management automation, you must create an XML configuration file to control the task. A sample configuration file, exportBaby.xml, is provided. Its content is as follows:

<Operation Model="BabyBank">
   <Task Type="Export" >
      <Destination Type="XML" FilePath="BabyBank.xml"/>

The XML configuration file contains the following attributes that you must specify:

Attribute Value
Model= specifies the name of the model to be exported.
Task Type= Export
Destination Type=


Only XML format is supported for export.

BabyBank.xml is a sample XML file of an exported application.


specifies the filename, or path and filename, of the file to be exported.

The file is exported to the current directory on the client machine if you do not specify a path.

To export a model, in addition to creating the XML configuration file, you must also:


See also: