Driver Formula: Total Value

In the following picture, you can see:

  1. The driver formula is: AMT.
  2. The driver quantity is the result of the driver formula and, therefore, equals AMT. The driver quantity represents the number of units involved in each transaction.
  3. The total number of units is 3736, which is the sum of the driver quantities picked out by the selection criteria.
  4. The cost per unit (unit cost) for each of the transactions is 1.12793684143469. This is calculated as follows:

    TotalValue / Total-number-of-units = cost per unit
    (4213.972039624941) / (3736) = 1.12793684143469

    Note: The TotalValue is from the behavior table.

  5. The calculated value for each transaction is calculated as follows:

    (Cost per unit) x (Number of units for that transaction).
    The number of units is the driver quantity.

    So, the calculated values for the transactions picked out by the selection criteria are as follow:

    1.12793684143469 x  135 = 152.27147359
    1.12793684143469 x 1260 = 1421.2004202
    1.12793684143469 x  263 =  296.6473893
    1.12793684143469 x 1188 = 1339.9889676


See also: