SAS OLAP Restrictions
The following restrictions exist in the 9.1.3 SAS OLAP Server which is used to displayed reports:
- Most OLAP names can be up to 32 characters in length except for aggregation names that can be up to 256 characters. When SAS processes a name it will be uppercased.
- Level names must be unique within a cube
- Measure names must be unique within a cube
- Number of dimensions: Maximum 128 (Minimum 1)
- Number of levels per dimension: Maximum 19
- Number of levels per cube: Maximum 256
- Number of measures per cube: Maximum 1024
- Maximum length of a unique name is 32767 characters
- Size of the MDX string is unlimited, but extremely long strings can affect performance
- Maximum number of nways in a single cube: 500 million. (nways are the lowest level of crossings of all your dimensions)