Set Extended Attributes for Database Libraries

You can use SAS or a non-SAS database for the following SAS Profitability Management libraries:

You can use a Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or MySql database with any of the libraries mentionned above.

You can use a DB2 or Microsoft Access database with input, output, and export libraries.

You can also use other databases not listed above with input, output, and export libraries if you establish a valid libref for the library.

For the following databases, you must set extended attributes on some of the libraries enumerated above for SAS Profitability Management to function properly with those databases. Click the link below to see what extended attributes to set on a library for each of the following databases:


Microsoft SQL Server

You must set the following extended attributes for a library that is used either as an output or as an export library and that is connected to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or above. For other SAS Profitability Management libraries that are connected to Microsoft SQL Server these extended attributes are optional.

Attribute Value
Database pmmodel_sql2k5 (for example)
DBMSPort 1433 (for example)
DBMSHost (for example)

The following picture shows an example of setting the extended attributes for a Profitability Management model data library using Microsoft SQL Server.


You must set the following extended attributes for a library that is used either as an output or as an export library and that is connected to an Oracle database. For other SAS Profitability Management libraries that are connected to Oracle these extended attributes are optional.

Attribute Value
DBMSType Oracle
Database pmdb21 (for example)
DBMSPort 1521 (for example)
DBMSHost ord (for example)

The following picture shows an example of setting the extended attributes for a Profitability Management model data library using Oracle.


You must set the following extended attributes for a library that is used either as an output or as an export library and that is connected to a MySql database. For other SAS Profitability Management libraries that are connected to MySql these extended attributes are optional.

Attribute Value
DBMSType MySql
Database pmmysql5 (for example)
DBMSPort 3306 (for example)
DBMSHost (for example)

The following picture shows an example of setting the extended attributes for a Profitability Management model data library using MySql.


You must set the following extended attribute for a library that is connected to a DB2 database and that is used either as an input library or as a Profitability Management model data library. For other SAS Profitability Management libraries that are connected to DB2 this extended attribute is optional.

Attribute Value


MS Access

You must set the following extended attribute for a library that is connected to a Microsoft Access database and that is used either as an input library or as a Profitability Management model data library. For other SAS Profitability Management libraries that are connected to Microsoft Access this extended attribute is optional.

Attribute Value
DBMSType Jet


Setting an Extended Attribute

To set an extended attribute on a library:

  1. Open SAS Management Console.

  2. Expand the Libraries folder (under Environment Management Data Library Manager) and select your Profitability Management library.

  3. Right-click the library and select Properties.

  4. Select the Extended Attributes tab.

  5. Click New.

  6. In the Field Name column, type the name of the attribute to be added.

    The following picture shows creating an attribute named DBMSType.

  7. In the Value and Description columns, type appropriate content for the attribute being defined.

    For example, the following table shows the values to set for the extended attribute DBMSType (the Description is optional):

    Value Description
    MSSQL Microsoft SQL Server
    Oracle Oracle
    DB2 DB2
    MySql MySql
    Jet MS Access

    For example:

  8. Click OK.