Software Project (pmg01)

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: PMG01                                               */
/*   TITLE: Software Project (pmg01)                            */
/* PRODUCT: OR                                                  */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: PM                                                  */
/*   PROCS: PM                                                  */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT:                             UPDATE:                 */
/*     REF: Examples from the Getting Started section           */
/*          (PM User's Guide)                                   */
/*    MISC: Note that PROC PM is invoked with the NODISPLAY     */
/*          option in this program. To run the example in the   */
/*          User's Guide, remove the NODISPLAY option           */
/*                                                              */

data software;
   input Descrpt  $char20.
         Duration 23-24
         Activity $ 27-34
         Succesr1 $ 37-44
         Succesr2 $ 47-54;
Initial Testing       20  TESTING   RECODE
Prel. Documentation   15  PRELDOC   DOCEDREV  QATEST
Meet Marketing        1   MEETMKT   RECODE
Recoding              5   RECODE    DOCEDREV  QATEST
QA Test Approve       10  QATEST    PROD
Doc. Edit and Revise  10  DOCEDREV  PROD
Production            1   PROD

proc pm data=software
         nodisplay          /* to get PMWINDOW, remove this option */
   id descrpt;
   activity activity;
   duration duration;
   successor succesr1 succesr2;

title 'Software Project';
title2 'Schedule Data Set';
proc print;