Pharmaceutical Project

 /*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
 /*                                                              */
 /*    NAME: PMEX08                                              */
 /*   TITLE: Pharmaceutical Project                              */
 /* PRODUCT: OR                                                  */
 /*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
 /*    KEYS: CPM                                                 */
 /*   PROCS: CPM, NETDRAW, GANTT, SORT                           */
 /*    DATA:                                                     */
 /*                                                              */
 /* SUPPORT:                             UPDATE:                 */
 /*     REF: Example 8 of Project Management Examples Book       */
 /*    MISC:                                                     */
 /*                                                              */

goptions border hpos=80 vpos=43

pattern1 v=solid c=blue;
pattern2 v=e c=blue;
pattern3 v=solid c=red;
pattern4 v=e c=red;
pattern5 v=x2 c=red;
pattern6 v=solid c=green;
pattern7 v=e c=magenta;
pattern8 v=solid c=magenta;
pattern9 v=x1 c=cyan;

title 'Pharmaceutical Project';

data pharm;
     input act s1 s2 s3 s4 id & $30. months who $ subproj & $23.;
     label subproj='Phase';
     label who='Department';
     label id='Activity';
 1  3  4  5  6  Get Supplies for Studies        2.0  CH  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 2  3  4  5  6  Develop Specifications/Methods  1.5  AP  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 3  7  .  .  .  Conduct Toxicity Studies        3.0  PT  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 4  7  .  .  .  Conduct Organ System Studies    6.0  PT  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 5  7  8  .  .  Prepare Clinical Plans          3.0  MD  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 6  7  8  .  .  Conduct Additional Studies      6.0  AP  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 7  9  .  .  .  Prepare IND                     1.5  RG  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 8 10 11 16  .  Internal Review Board           1.0  MD  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 9 10 11 16  .  IND Filing                      0    RG  MILESTONES
10 12  .  .  .  Phase I Clinical Studies        9.0  MD  HUMAN PHARMACOLOGY
11 17  .  .  .  Conduct Chemical/Mfg Research   6.0  CH  HUMAN PHARMACOLOGY
12 13  .  .  .  Internal SAFE Milestone         0    MD  MILESTONES
13 14  .  .  .  Phase II Clinical Studies       16.0 MD  EFFICACY
14 15  .  .  .  Internal GO Milestone           0    MD  MILESTONES
15 19  .  .  .  Phase III Clinical Studies      24.0 MD  EXPANSION
16 19  .  .  .  Conduct Carcinogenic Studies    36.0 PT  HUMAN PHARMACOLOGY
17 18  .  .  .  Arrange for Chem/Mfg Supplies   4.0  CH  EFFICACY
18 19  .  .  .  Write Chem/Mfg Sections of NDA  2.0  RG  EXPANSION
19 20  .  .  .  Prepare NDA                     5.5  RG  EXPANSION
20  .  .  .  .  NDA Filing                      0    RG  MILESTONES

data pharm;
set pharm;
if act=9 then lag1='FS_1';
if act=9 then lag2='FS_1';
if act=9 then lag3='FS_1';
if act=12 then lag1='FS_2';
if act=14 then lag1='FS_2';

pattern1 v=e;

title2 'Initial Project Network';

proc netdraw graphics data=pharm;
     actnet/compress activity=act successor=(s1-s4)
     nodefid nolabel id=(id subproj) font=simplex;

pattern1 v=s;

proc cpm data=pharm out=pharmout;
     activity act;
     successor s1 s2 s3 s4/lag=(lag1-lag3);
     duration months;
     id id subproj who;

proc sort data=pharmout;
     by e_start;

title2 'General Development Process (in months)';

proc gantt graphics data=pharmout;
     id id subproj who;
     chart/duration=months scale=2
     vmile="P" hmile=1 fmile=marker
     nojobnum compress;

proc gantt graphics data=pharmout precdata=pharm;
     id id subproj who;
     chart/duration=months scale=3
     vmile="P" hmile=1 fmile=marker
     act=act lag=(lag1-lag3) succ=(s1-s4)
     nojobnum compress;

proc sort data=pharmout;
     by who e_start;

title2 'Departmental Schedule';

proc gantt graphics data=pharmout;
     by who;
     id id subproj;
     chart/duration=months scale=2
     vmile="P" hmile=1 fmile=marker
     nojobnum compress mindate=0;

data pharmaoa;
     input tail head id & $30. months who $ subproj & $23.;
     label subproj='Phase';
     label who='Department';
     label id='Activity';
 1  3  Get Supplies for Studies        2.0  CH  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 2  3  Develop Specifications/Methods  1.5  AP  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 3  4  Conduct Toxicity Studies        3.0  PT  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 3  5  Conduct Organ System Studies    6.0  PT  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 5  4  dummy                           0.0  .   .
 3  6  Prepare Clinical Plans          3.0  MD  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 6  4  dummy                           0.0  .   .
 3  7  Conduct Additional Studies      6.0  AP  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 7  6  dummy                           0.0  .   .
 4  8  Prepare IND                     1.5  RG  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 6  9  Internal Review Board           1.0  MD  PRECLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
 8  9  IND Filing                      1.0  RG  .
 9 14  Phase I Clinical Studies        9.0  MD  HUMAN PHARMACOLOGY
 9 10  dummy                           0.0  .   .
10 11  Conduct Chemical/Mfg Research   6.0  CH  HUMAN PHARMACOLOGY
14 15  Internal SAFE Milestone         2.0  MD  .
15 16  Phase II Clinical Studies       16.0 MD  EFFICACY
16 17  Internal GO Milestone           2.0  MD  .
17 13  Phase III Clinical Studies      24.0 MD  EXPANSION
10 13  Conduct Carcinogenic Studies    36.0 PT  HUMAN PHARMACOLOGY
11 12  Arrange for Chem/Mfg Supplies   4.0  CH  EFFICACY
12 13  Write Chem/Mfg Sections of NDA  2.0  RG  EXPANSION
13 18  Prepare NDA                     5.5  RG  EXPANSION
18 19  NDA Filing                      0.0  RG  .

proc cpm data=pharmaoa out=aoaout;
     tailnode tail;
     headnode head;
     duration months;
     id id subproj who;

data aoaout;
     set aoaout;
     if id='dummy' then delete;

proc sort data=aoaout;
     by e_start;

title2 'Activity on Arc Format (in months)';

proc gantt graphics data=aoaout;
     id id subproj who;
     chart/duration=months scale=2
     vmile="P" hmile=1 fmile=marker
     nojobnum compress;