Facility Location (optmie03)

/*                                                             */
/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                */
/*                                                             */
/*    NAME: optmie03                                           */
/*   TITLE: Facility Location (optmie03)                       */
/* PRODUCT: OR                                                 */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                */
/*    KEYS: OR                                                 */
/*   PROCS: OPTMILP, SQL, SGPLOT                               */
/*    DATA:                                                    */
/*                                                             */
/* SUPPORT:                             UPDATE:                */
/*     REF:                                                    */
/*    MISC: Example 3 from the OPTMILP chapter of Mathematical */
/*          Programming.                                       */
/*                                                             */

   %let NumCustomers  = 50;
   %let NumSites      = 10;
   %let SiteCapacity  = 35;
   %let MaxDemand     = 10;
   %let xmax          = 200;
   %let ymax          = 100;
   %let seed          = 423;

   /* generate random customer locations */
   data cdata(drop=i);
      call streaminit(&seed);
      length name $8;
      do i = 1 to &NumCustomers;
         name = compress('C'||put(i,best.));
         x = rand('UNIFORM') * &xmax;
         y = rand('UNIFORM') * &ymax;
         demand = rand('UNIFORM') * &MaxDemand;

   /* generate random site locations and fixed charge */
   data sdata(drop=i);
      call streaminit(&seed);
      length name $8;
      do i = 1 to &NumSites;
         name = compress('SITE'||put(i,best.));
         x = rand('UNIFORM') * &xmax;
         y = rand('UNIFORM') * &ymax;
         fixed_charge = 30 * (abs(&xmax/2-x) + abs(&ymax/2-y));

proc optmodel;
   set <str> CUSTOMERS;
   set <str> SITES init {};
   /* x and y coordinates of CUSTOMERS and SITES */
   num x {CUSTOMERS union SITES};
   num y {CUSTOMERS union SITES};
   num demand {CUSTOMERS};
   num fixed_charge {SITES};
   /* distance from customer i to site j */
   num dist {i in CUSTOMERS, j in SITES}
       = sqrt((x[i] - x[j])^2 + (y[i] - y[j])^2);
   read data cdata into CUSTOMERS=[name] x y demand;
   read data sdata into SITES=[name] x y fixed_charge;
   var Assign {CUSTOMERS, SITES} binary;
   var Build {SITES} binary;
   /* each customer assigned to exactly one site */
   con assign_def {i in CUSTOMERS}:
       sum {j in SITES} Assign[i,j] = 1;
   /* if customer i assigned to site j, then facility must be */
   /* built at j                                              */
   con link {i in CUSTOMERS, j in SITES}:
       Assign[i,j] <= Build[j];
   /* each site can handle at most &SiteCapacity demand */
   con capacity {j in SITES}:
       sum {i in CUSTOMERS} demand[i] * Assign[i,j]
       <= &SiteCapacity * Build[j];
   min CostNoFixedCharge
       = sum {i in CUSTOMERS, j in SITES} dist[i,j] * Assign[i,j];
   save mps nofcdata;
   min CostFixedCharge
       = CostNoFixedCharge
         + sum {j in SITES} fixed_charge[j] * Build[j];
   save mps fcdata;

proc optmilp data=fcdata primalout=fcout;

proc optmilp data=nofcdata primalout=nofcout;
proc sql noprint;
   select put(sum(_objcoef_ * _value_),6.1) into :varcostNo
   from nofcout;

proc sql;
   create table CostNoFixedCharge_Data as
      scan(p._var_,2,'[],') as customer,
      scan(p._var_,3,'[],') as site,
      c.x as x1, c.y as y1, s.x as x2, s.y as y2
      cdata as c,
      sdata as s,
      nofcout(where=(substr(_var_,1,6)='Assign' and
         round(_value_) = 1)) as p
   where calculated customer = c.name and calculated site = s.name;

proc optmilp data=fcdata primalin=nofcout primalout=fcout;
proc sql noprint;
   select put(sum(_objcoef_ * _value_), 6.1) into :varcost
   from fcout(where=(substr(_var_,1,6)='Assign'));
   select put(sum(_objcoef_ * _value_), 5.1) into :fixcost
   from fcout(where=(substr(_var_,1,5)='Build'));
   select put(sum(_objcoef_ * _value_), 6.1) into :totalcost
   from fcout;
proc sql;
   create table CostFixedCharge_Data as
      scan(p._var_,2,'[],') as customer,
      scan(p._var_,3,'[],') as site,
      c.x as x1, c.y as y1, s.x as x2, s.y as y2
      cdata as c,
      sdata as s,
      fcout(where=(substr(_var_,1,6)='Assign' and
         round(_value_) = 1)) as p
   where calculated customer = c.name and calculated site = s.name;

title1 "Facility Location Problem";
title2 "TotalCost = &varcostNo (Variable = &varcostNo, Fixed = 0)";
data csdata;
   set cdata(rename=(y=cy)) sdata(rename=(y=sy));
/* create Annotate data set to draw line between customer and */
/* assigned site                                              */
data anno;
   retain function "line" drawspace "datavalue"
      linethickness 1 linecolor "black";
   set CostNoFixedCharge_Data(keep=x1 y1 x2 y2);
proc sgplot data=csdata sganno=anno noautolegend;
   scatter x=x y=cy / datalabel=name datalabelattrs=(size=6pt)
      markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled color=black size=6pt);
   scatter x=x y=sy / datalabel=name datalabelattrs=(size=6pt)
      markerattrs=(symbol=diamond color=blue size=6pt);
   xaxis display=(nolabel);
   yaxis display=(nolabel);

title1 "Facility Location Problem";
title2 "TotalCost = &totalcost (Variable = &varcost, Fixed = &fixcost)";
/* create Annotate data set to draw line between customer and */
/* assigned site                                              */
data anno;
   retain function "line" drawspace "datavalue"
      linethickness 1 linecolor "black";
   set CostFixedCharge_Data(keep=x1 y1 x2 y2);
proc sgplot data=csdata sganno=anno noautolegend;
   scatter x=x y=cy / datalabel=name datalabelattrs=(size=6pt)
      markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled color=black size=6pt);
   scatter x=x y=sy / datalabel=name datalabelattrs=(size=6pt)
      markerattrs=(symbol=diamond color=blue size=6pt);
   xaxis display=(nolabel);
   yaxis display=(nolabel);