Examples from the Details section (netsld01)

/*                                                             */
/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                */
/*                                                             */
/*    NAME: netsld01                                           */
/*   TITLE: Examples from the Details section (netsld01)       */
/* PRODUCT: OR                                                 */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                */
/*    KEYS: OR                                                 */
/*   PROCS: OPTMODEL, PRINT, SORT, TRANSPOSE                   */
/*    DATA:                                                    */
/*                                                             */
/* SUPPORT:                          UPDATE:                   */
/*     REF: Examples from the Details section of the           */
/*          network solver documentation.                      */
/*    MISC:                                                    */
/*                                                             */

/* GRAPH INPUT DATA                                            */
/* Link Input Data                                             */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ weight @@;
A B 1   A C 2   A D 4   B C 1   B E 2
B F 5   C E 1   D E 1   E D 1   E F 2
F G 6   G H 1   G I 1   H G 2   H I 3

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   set NODES = union{<ni,nj> in LINKS} {ni,nj};
   num weight{LINKS};

   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] weight;

   print weight;
   put NODES=; /* computed automatically by OPTMODEL */

proc optmodel;
   set NODES = 1..5;
   set LINKS = {vi in NODES, vj in NODES: vi < vj};
   num distance {<vi,vj> in LINKS} = 10*vi + vj;

   set <num,num> TOUR;

   /* Build a link set using only nodes 1..4 nodes */
   set <num,num> LINKS_BETWEEN_1234 = {vi in 1..3, vj in (vi+1)..4};
   /* Build a node subset consisting of nodes 3..5 */
   set NODES_345 = 3..5;

   /* Implicit network 1: solve over nodes 1..5 -- The original network*/
   solve with NETWORK /
      links=( weight=distance )
      out=( tour=TOUR )
   put TOUR=;


   /* Filter on LINKS: solve over nodes 1..4 */
   solve with NETWORK /
      links=( weight=distance )
      subgraph=( links=LINKS_BETWEEN_1234 )
      out=( tour=TOUR )
   put TOUR=;

   /* Filter on NODES: solve over nodes 3..5 */
   solve with NETWORK /
      links=( weight=distance )
      subgraph=( nodes=NODES_345 )
      out=( tour=TOUR )
   put TOUR=;

   /* Explicit nodes and links: semantic error over nodes 1..5
    * Links <u,5> are undefined and no documented default exists. */
   solve with NETWORK /
      links=( weight=distance )
      subgraph=( nodes=NODES_345 links=LINKS_BETWEEN_1234 )
      out=( tour=TOUR )

   /* make room for tail, head, and weight */
   set<num,num,num> LINKS_OUT;
   solve with NETWORK /
      links=( weight=distance )
      subgraph=( nodes=NODES_345 links=LINKS_BETWEEN_1234 )
      out=( tour=TOUR links=LINKS_OUT )
   put LINKS_OUT=;


data LinkSetInBiCC;
   input from $ to $ @@;
A B  A F  A G  B C  B D
B E  C D  E F  G I  G H

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   read data LinkSetInBiCC into LINKS=[from to];
   set NODES = union{<i,j> in LINKS} {i,j};
   num bicomponent{LINKS};
   set<str> ARTPOINTS;

   solve with NETWORK /
      loglevel  = moderate
      links     = (include=LINKS)
      out       = (biconcomp=bicomponent artpoints=ARTPOINTS)

   print bicomponent;
   create data LinkSetOut from [from to] biconcomp=bicomponent;
   create data NodeSetOut from [node]=ARTPOINTS artpoint=1;

proc print data=LinkSetOut noobs label;

proc print data=NodeSetOut noobs label;

/* CLIQUE                                                      */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from to @@;
0 1  0 2  0 3  0 4  0 5
0 6  1 2  1 3  1 4  2 3
2 4  2 5  2 6  2 7  2 8
3 4  5 6  7 8  8 9

proc optmodel;
   set<num,num> LINKS;
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to];
   set<num,num> CLIQUES;

   solve with NETWORK /
      links  = (include=LINKS)
      clique = (maxcliques=all)
      out    = (cliques=CLIQUES)

   put CLIQUES;
   create data Cliques from [clique node]=CLIQUES;
   num num_cliques = card(setof {<cid,node> in CLIQUES} cid);
   set CLIQUE_IDS = 1..num_cliques;
   num size {cid in CLIQUE_IDS} = card(slice(<cid,*>, CLIQUES));
   create data CliqueSizes from [clique] size;

proc print data=Cliques noobs label;

proc print data=CliqueSizes noobs label;

/* CONNECTED COMPONENTS                                        */

/* Connected Components of a Simple Undirected Graph           */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ @@;
A B  A C  B C  C H  D E  D F  D G  F E  G I  K L

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to];
   set NODES = union {<i,j> in LINKS} {i,j};
   num component{NODES};

   solve with NETWORK /
      links   = (include=LINKS)
      out     = (concomp=component)

   print component;
   create data NodeSetOut from [node] concomp=component;

proc print data=NodeSetOut noobs label;

data NodeSetIn;
   input node $ @@;
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to];
   set<str> NODES;
   read data NodeSetIn into NODES=[node];
   num component{NODES};

   solve with NETWORK /
      links   = (include=LINKS)
      nodes   = (include=NODES)
      out     = (concomp=component)

   print component;
   create data NodeSetOut from [node] concomp=component;

proc print data=NodeSetOut noobs label;

/* Connected Components of a Simple Directed Graph             */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ @@;
A B  B C  B E  B F  C G
C D  D C  D H  E A  E F
F G  G F  H G  H D

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to];
   set NODES = union {<i,j> in LINKS} {i,j};
   num component{NODES};

   solve with NETWORK /
      graph_direction = directed
      links           = (include=LINKS)
      out             = (concomp=component)

   print component;
   create data NodeSetOut from [node] concomp=component;

proc print data=NodeSetOut noobs label;

/* CYCLE                                                       */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ @@;
A B  A E  B C  C A  C D
D E  D F  E B  E C  F E

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to];
   set<num,num,str> CYCLES;

   solve with NETWORK /
      graph_direction = directed
      links           = (include=LINKS)
      cycle           = (maxcycles=1)

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to];
   set<num,num,str> CYCLES;

   solve with NETWORK /
      graph_direction = directed
      links           = (include=LINKS)
      cycle           = (maxcycles=all)

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to];
   set<num,num,str> CYCLES;

   solve with NETWORK /
      graph_direction = directed
      links           = (include=LINKS)
      cycle           = (maxcycles=1)
      out             = (cycles=CYCLES)

   put CYCLES;
   create data Cycles from [cycle order node]=CYCLES;

proc print data=Cycles noobs label;

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to];
   set<num,num,str> CYCLES;

   solve with NETWORK /
      graph_direction = directed
      links           = (include=LINKS)
      cycle           = (maxcycles=all)
      out             = (cycles=CYCLES)

   put CYCLES;
   create data Cycles from [cycle order node]=CYCLES;

proc print data=Cycles noobs label;

/* MINIMUM-COST NETWORK FLOW                                   */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from to weight upper;
1 4 2 15
2 1 1 10
2 3 0 10
2 6 6 10
3 4 1  5
3 5 4 10
4 7 5 10
5 6 2 20
5 7 7 15
6 8 8 10
7 8 9 15

data NodeSetIn;
   input node supply;
1  10
2  20
4  -5
7 -15
8 -10

proc optmodel;
   set <num,num> LINKS;
   num cost{LINKS};
   num upper{LINKS};
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] cost=weight upper;
   set NODES = union {<i,j> in LINKS} {i,j};
   num supply{NODES} init 0;
   read data NodeSetIn into [node] supply;
   num flow{LINKS};
   num flow_rc{LINKS};
   num dual{NODES};

   solve with network /
      loglevel        = moderate
      logfreq         = 1
      graph_direction = directed
      links           = (upper=upper weight=cost)
      nodes           = (lower=supply)
      out             = (flow=flow rc=flow_rc dual=dual)

   print flow;
   create data LinkSetOut from [from to] upper cost flow flow_rc;
   create data NodeSetOut from [node] dual;

proc print data=LinkSetOut label;
proc print data=NodeSetOut noobs label;

data NodeSetIn;
   input node lower upper;
1  10  .I
2  20  20
4  .M  -5
7 -15 -15
8 -10  -6

proc optmodel;
   set <num,num> LINKS;
   num cost{LINKS};
   num upper{LINKS};
      read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] cost=weight upper;
   set <num> NODES;
   num supply{NODES};
   num supplyUB{NODES}; /* also demand lower bound, if negative */
      read data NodeSetIn into NODES=[node] supply=lower supplyUB=upper;
   num flow{LINKS};

   solve with NETWORK /
      direction = directed
      links     = ( upper = upper weight = cost )
      nodes     = ( lower = supply upper = supplyUB )
      out       = ( flow = flow )
   print flow;
   create data LinkSetOut from [from to] upper cost flow;

proc print data=LinkSetOut label ;

/* MINIMUM CUT                                       */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from to weight @@;
1 2 2  1 5 3  2 3 3  2 5 2  2 6 2
3 4 4  3 7 2  4 7 2  4 8 2  5 6 3
6 7 1  7 8 3

proc optmodel;
   set<num,num> LINKS;
   num weight{LINKS};
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] weight;
   set<num> NODES = union {<i,j> in LINKS} {i,j};
   set<num,num> PARTITIONS;
   set<num,num,num> CUTSETS;

   solve with NETWORK /
      loglevel = moderate
      links    = (weight=weight)
      mincut   = (maxcuts=3)
      out      = (partitions=PARTITIONS cutsets=CUTSETS)
   set CUTS = setof {<cut,i,j> in CUTSETS} cut;
   num minCutWeight {cut in CUTS} = sum {<(cut),i,j> in CUTSETS} weight[i,j];
   print minCutWeight;

   for { cut in CUTS }
      put "Cut ID: "    cut
          "Partition: " ( slice( <cut,*>, PARTITIONS ) )
          "and "        ( NODES diff slice( <cut,*>, PARTITIONS ) )
          "Cut: "       ( slice( <cut,*,*>, CUTSETS ) )
          "Weight: "    minCutWeight[cut];

   create data MinCut from [mincut from to]=CUTSETS weight[from,to];
   num partition {cut in CUTS, node in NODES} =
      if <cut,node> in PARTITIONS then 0 else 1;
   create data NodeSetOut from [cut node]={CUTS, NODES} partition;

proc print data=NodeSetOut noobs label;

proc print data=MinCut noobs label;

proc print data=MinCut noobs label;
   sum weight;
   by mincut;

/* MINIMUM SPANNING TREE                                       */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ weight @@;
A B  7  A D  5  B C 8  B D 9  B E 7
C E  5  D E 15  D F 6  E F 8  E G 9
F G 11  H I  1  I J 3  H J 2

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   num weight{LINKS};
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] weight;
   set<str,str> FOREST;

   solve with NETWORK /
      links       = (weight=weight)
      out         = (forest=FOREST)

   put FOREST;
   create data MinSpanForest from [from to]=FOREST weight;

proc print data=MinSpanForest noobs label;
   sum weight;

/* PATH                                                       */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ weight @@;
A B 1 A E 1 B C 1 C A 6 C D 1
D E 3 D F 1 E B 1 E C 4 F E 1
E A 1

/* Paths for One Source-Sink Pair                     */

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   num weight{LINKS};
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] weight;
   set SOURCE = {'D'};
   set SINK   = {'A'};

   /* source, sink, path, order, from, to */
   set<str,str,num,num,str,str> PATHLINKS;

   /* source, sink, path, order, node */
   set<str,str,num,num,str> PATHNODES;

   solve with network /
      direction     = directed
      links         = (weight=weight)
      path          = (source=SOURCE sink=SINK maxlinkweight=10)
      out           = (pathslinks=PATHLINKS pathsnodes=PATHNODES)
   create data PathLinks from [source sink path order from to]=PATHLINKS;
   create data PathNodes from [source sink path order node]=PATHNODES;

proc print data=PathLinks noobs label;

proc print data=PathNodes noobs label;

/* SHORTEST PATH                                               */

/* Shortest Paths for All Pairs                                */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ weight @@;
A B 3  A C 2  A D 6  A E 4  B D 5
B F 5  C E 1  D E 2  D F 1  E F 4

proc optmodel;
   set <str,str> LINKS;
   num weight{LINKS};
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] weight;
   set <str,str,num,str,str> PATHS; /* source, sink, order, from, to */
   set NODES = union{<i,j> in LINKS} {i,j};
   num path_length{NODES, NODES};

   solve with NETWORK /
      links     = (weight=weight)
      out       = (sppaths=PATHS spweights=path_length)

   put PATHS;
   print path_length;
   create data ShortPathP from [source sink order from to]=PATHS
   create data ShortPathW from [source sink]

title 'ShortPathP';
proc print data=ShortPathP noobs label;

title 'ShortPathW';
proc print data=ShortPathW noobs label;

/* Shortest Paths for a Subset of Source-Sink Pairs            */

proc optmodel;
   set <str,str> LINKS;
   num weight{LINKS};
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] weight;
   set <str,str,num,str,str> PATHS; /* source, sink, order, from, to */
   set SOURCES = / A C /;
   set SINKS   = / B F /;

   solve with NETWORK /
      links     = (weight=weight)
      shortpath = (source=SOURCES sink=SINKS)
      out       = (sppaths=PATHS)

   put PATHS;
   create data ShortPath from [source sink order from to]=PATHS weight[from,to];

title 'ShortPath';
proc print data=ShortPath noobs label;

/* Shortest Paths for a Subset of Source or Sink Pairs         */

proc optmodel;
   set <str,str> LINKS;
   num weight{LINKS};
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] weight;
   set <str,str,num,str,str> PATHS; /* source, sink, order, from, to */
   set SOURCES = / B E /;

   solve with NETWORK /
      links     = (weight=weight)
      shortpath = (source=SOURCES)
      out       = (sppaths=PATHS)

   put PATHS;
   create data ShortPath from [source sink order from to]=PATHS weight[from,to];

title 'ShortPath';
proc print data=ShortPath noobs label;

proc optmodel;
   set <str,str> LINKS;
   num weight{LINKS};
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] weight;
   set <str,str,num,str,str> PATHS; /* source, sink, order, from, to */
   set SINKS = / B E /;

   solve with NETWORK /
      links     = (weight=weight)
      shortpath = (sink=SINKS)
      out       = (sppaths=PATHS)

   put PATHS;
   create data ShortPath from [source sink order from to]=PATHS weight[from,to];

title 'ShortPath';
proc print data=ShortPath noobs label;

/* Shortest Paths for One Source-Sink Pair                     */

proc optmodel;
   set <str,str> LINKS;
   num weight{LINKS};
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] weight;
   set <str,str,num,str,str> PATHS; /* source, sink, order, from, to */
   set SOURCES = / C /;
   set SINKS   = / F /;

   solve with NETWORK /
      links     = (weight=weight)
      shortpath = (source=SOURCES sink=SINKS)
      out       = (sppaths=PATHS)

   put PATHS;
   create data ShortPath from [source sink order from to]=PATHS weight[from,to];

title 'ShortPath';
proc print data=ShortPath noobs label;

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ weight count @@;
A B 3 1  A C 2 1  A D 6 1  A E 4 1  B D 5 1
B F 5 1  C E 1 1  D E 2 1  D F 1 1  E F 4 1

proc optmodel;
   set <str,str> LINKS;
   num weight{LINKS};
   num count{LINKS};
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to] weight count;
   set <str,str,num,str,str> PATHS; /* source, sink, order, from, to */
   set NODES = union{<i,j> in LINKS} {i,j};
   num path_length{i in NODES, j in NODES: i ~= j};

   solve with NETWORK /
      links     = (weight=weight)
      out       = (sppaths=PATHS spweights=path_length)

   put PATHS;
   num path_weight2{source in NODES, sink in NODES: source ~= sink} =
      sum {<(source),(sink),order,from,to> in PATHS} count[from,to];
   print path_length path_weight2;
   create data ShortPathW from [source sink]
      path_weight=path_length path_weight2;

title 'ShortPathW';
proc print data=ShortPathW noobs label;

proc optmodel;
   set LINKS            = / <A B> <A C> <B C> <B D> <B E> <D B> <D C> <E D> /;
   num weight{LINKS} init [   -1     4     3     2     2     1     5    -3  ];

   set NODES = union{<i,j> in LINKS} {i,j};
   /* Use the type (in this case, STRING) of NODES but leave PATHS empty */
   set PATHS init {NODES,NODES,/0/,NODES,NODES:0};
   set SOURCE = /E/, SINK = /B/;
   solve with NETWORK /
      links     = ( weight = weight )
      direction = directed
      shortpath = ( source = SOURCE sink = SINK )
      out       = ( sppaths = PATHS )
   put "Path and Weight: " (setof{<s,t,i,u,v> in PATHS} <u,v,weight[u,v]> );


/* TRANSITIVE CLOSURE                                            */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ @@;
B C  B D  C B  D A  D C

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> LINKS;
   read data LinkSetIn into LINKS=[from to];
   set<str,str> CAN_REACH;

   solve with NETWORK /
      graph_direction = directed
      links = ( include = LINKS )
      out = ( closure = CAN_REACH )

   put CAN_REACH;
   create data TransClosure from [from to]=CAN_REACH;

title 'Transitive Closure';
proc print data=TransClosure noobs label;

/* TRAVELING SALESMAN PROBLEM                                   */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ weight @@;
A B 1.0   A C 1.0   A D 1.5   B C 2.0   B D 4.0
B E 3.0   C D 3.0   C F 3.0   C H 4.0   D E 1.5
D F 3.0   D G 4.0   E F 1.0   E G 1.0   F G 2.0
F H 4.0   H I 3.0   I J 1.0   C J 5.0   F J 3.0
F I 1.0   H J 1.0

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> EDGES;
   set<str> NODES = union{<i,j> in EDGES} {i,j};
   num weight{EDGES};
   read data LinkSetIn into EDGES=[from to] weight;
   num tsp_order{NODES};
   set<str,str> TOUR;

   solve with NETWORK /
      loglevel = moderate
      links    = (weight=weight)
      out      = (order=tsp_order tour=TOUR)

   put TOUR;
   print {<i,j> in TOUR} weight;
   print tsp_order;
   create data NodeSetOut from [node]         tsp_order;
   create data TSPTour    from [from to]=TOUR weight;

title 'Traveling Salesman Problem';
proc sort data=NodeSetOut;
   by tsp_order;

proc print data=NodeSetOut noobs label;

proc print data=TSPTour noobs label;
   sum weight;

/* TRAVELING SALESMAN PROBLEM                                   */

data LinkSetIn;
   input from $ to $ weight @@;
A B 2.0   A C 1.0   A E 4.0
B A 1.0   B C 2.0   B D 1.0   B E 1.0
C B 2.0   C D 3.0
D A 1.0   D C 1.0   D E 2.0
E A 2.0   E D 1.0

proc optmodel;
   set<str,str> EDGES;
   set<str> NODES = union{<i,j> in EDGES} {i,j};
   num weight{EDGES};
   read data LinkSetIn into EDGES=[from to] weight;
   num tsp_order{NODES};
   set<str,str> TOUR;

   solve with NETWORK /
      loglevel  = moderate
      links     = (weight=weight)
      direction = directed
      out       = (order=tsp_order tour=TOUR)

   put TOUR;
   print {<i,j> in TOUR} weight;
   print tsp_order;
   create data NodeSetOut from [node]         tsp_order;
   create data TSPTour    from [from to]=TOUR weight;

proc sort data=NodeSetOut;
   by tsp_order;

proc print data=NodeSetOut noobs label;

proc print data=TSPTour noobs label;
   sum weight;