Scheduling a Hospital Move (netdre19)

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: NETDRE19                                            */
/*   TITLE: Scheduling a Hospital Move (netdre19)               */
/* PRODUCT: OR                                                  */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: NETDRAW                                             */
/*   PROCS: CPM, NETDRAW                                        */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT:                             UPDATE:                 */
/*     REF: Activity Networks by Salah E. Elmaghraby            */
/*    MISC:                                                     */
/*                                                              */

   INPUT ACTIVITY $ 1-44 ID 45-46 DURATION 48-50
         (SUCESS1-SUCESS7) (+1 2.);
Meet with department heads                  01 002 09 11 12 13 14 15 16
Consult with director                       02 001 03
Tag furniture to be moved                   03 001 09 11 12 13 14 15 16
Appoint move advisory committee             04 008 05
Establish move admission policies           05 010 06 19 21
Revise admission policies                   06 010 32 40 41 42 43 44 45
Modify disaster plans for new hospital      07 010 31
Plan prel. public relations activities      08 010 33 46 47 48 49
Meet with city traffic engineer             09 005 19 21
Have prel. meeting with police officials    10 005 17
Consult with department heads               11 015 19 21
Negotiate contract on specialized equip     12 020 19 21
Negotiate prel. contract on ambulance buses 13 016 19 21
Develop preliminary move plan               14 020 19 21
Develop prel. contacts with other hospitals 15 017 19 21
Identify security needs for new/old hospital16 012 19 21
Develop police move assistance plan         17 170 57 58 59
Plan employee orientation at new hospital   18 055 54
Develop final move plan                     19 020 20 23 24 29 63
Consult building coordinator and contractor 20 020 62
Establish packing material supply center    21 020 22
Stock packing materials center              22 025 30
Prepare final move tags                     23 028 28
Arrange shuttle bus between hospitals       24 054 35 37 38 39 40 41 42
                                            24 054 43 44 45 52
Finalize contacts with outside firms        25 033 35 37 38 39 40 41 42
                                            25 033 43 44 45 52
Publish plans                               26 003 27 34
Modify plans                                27 028 35 37 38 39 40 41 42
                                            27 028 43 44 45 52
Tag furniture & equipment                   28 033 35 37 38 39 40 41 42
                                            28 033 43 44 45 52
Plan security open houses & old hospital    29 038 35 37 38 39 40 41 42
                                            29 038 43 44 45 52
Plan premove activity and equipment         30 040 35 37 38 39 40 41 42
                                            30 040 43 44 45 52
Publish new disaster plan                   31 068 55 56
Implement premove admissions policies       32 028 55 56
Hold reception for press Lay Board as hosts 33 001 20 23 24 29 63
Construct cleaning station                  34 022 37
Establish parking plans                     35 017 36
Implement street & parking plans            36 028 64
Clean equipment on arrival                  37 037 64
Clean in new hospital                       38 028 55 56
Serve lunches in new hospital               39 018 55 56
Make final arrangements with other hospitals40 030 55 56
Finalize ambulance arrangements             41 030 55 56
Contact army regarding ambulance buses      42 030 55 56
Move equipment, furnishings, and functions  43 056 64
Prepare for patient move                    44 035 55 56
Operate shuttle bus                         45 028 57 58 59
Prepare & distribute move newsletter        46 085 55 56
Plan open houses                            47 060 50
Prepare move fact book for employees        48 052 50
Plan dedication of new hospital             49 075 53
Train guides (fuild volunteers)             50 010 51
Hold open house                             51 015 55 56
Provide for security as required            52 015 55 56
Plan dedication                             53 010 55 56
Hold employee orientations at new hospital  54 040 55 56
Arrange for public relations to assist press55 001 57 58 59
Prepare for patient move                    56 001 58
Implement post-move admissions policies     57 008 64
Provide for security at old hospital        58 012 64
Move remaining equipment                    59 010 60
Prepare for sale of surplus material        60 002 61
Dispose of unsellable items                 61 002 64
Decide on move day                          62 010 25 26
Publish instructions                        63 020 30
-----MOVE-----                              64 000

proc cpm data=move out=sched date='1nov88'd;
   act id;
   dur duration;
   succ sucess1-sucess7;
   id activity;

goptions border;

pattern1 v=e c=green;
pattern2 v=e c=red;
title h=1.5 j=l 'Project: Hospital Move';
proc netdraw data=sched graphics;
actnet / act=id succ=(sucess1-sucess7)
         id=(activity) dur=duration separatearcs
         nodefid nolabel
format activity $char10.;