Food Manufacture 1 (mpex01)

/*                                                             */
/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                */
/*                                                             */
/*    NAME: mpex01                                             */
/*   TITLE: Food Manufacture 1 (mpex01)                        */
/* PRODUCT: OR                                                 */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                */
/*    KEYS: OR                                                 */
/*   PROCS: OPTMODEL                                           */
/*    DATA:                                                    */
/*                                                             */
/* SUPPORT:                             UPDATE:                */
/*     REF:                                                    */
/*    MISC: Example 01 from the Mathematical Programming       */
/*          Examples book.                                     */
/*                                                             */

data cost_data;
   input veg1-veg2 oil1-oil3;
110  120  130  110  115
130  130  110   90  115
110  140  130  100   95
120  110  120  120  125
100  120  150  110  105
 90  100  140   80  135

data hardness_data;
   input oil $ hardness;
veg1 8.8
veg2 6.1
oil1 2.0
oil2 4.2
oil3 5.0

%let revenue_per_ton = 150;
%let veg_ub = 200;
%let nonveg_ub = 250;
%let store_ub = 1000;
%let storage_cost_per_ton = 5;
%let hardness_lb = 3;
%let hardness_ub = 6;
%let init_storage = 500;

proc optmodel;
   set <str> OILS;
   num hardness {OILS};
   read data hardness_data into OILS=[oil] hardness;
   print hardness;

   set PERIODS;
   num cost {OILS, PERIODS};
   read data cost_data into PERIODS=[_N_] {oil in OILS}
   print cost;

   /* tons of raw oil to buy per period */
   var Buy {OILS, PERIODS} >= 0;
   var Use {OILS, PERIODS} >= 0;
   impvar Manufacture {period in PERIODS} = sum {oil in OILS} Use[oil,period];

   num last_period = max {period in PERIODS} period;
   var Store {OILS, PERIODS union {0}} >= 0 <= &store_ub;
   for {oil in OILS} do;
      fix Store[oil,0]           = &init_storage;
      fix Store[oil,last_period] = &init_storage;

   set VEG = {oil in OILS: substr(oil,1,3) = 'veg'};
   set NONVEG = OILS diff VEG;

   impvar Revenue =
      sum {period in PERIODS} &revenue_per_ton * Manufacture[period];
   impvar RawCost =
      sum {oil in OILS, period in PERIODS} cost[oil,period] * Buy[oil,period];
   impvar StorageCost =
      sum {oil in OILS, period in PERIODS}
         &storage_cost_per_ton * Store[oil,period];
   max Profit = Revenue - RawCost - StorageCost;

   con Veg_ub_con {period in PERIODS}:
      sum {oil in VEG} Use[oil,period] <= &veg_ub;

   con Nonveg_ub_con {period in PERIODS}:
      sum {oil in NONVEG} Use[oil,period] <= &nonveg_ub;

   con Flow_balance_con {oil in OILS, period in PERIODS}:
      Store[oil,period-1] + Buy[oil,period]
         = Use[oil,period] + Store[oil,period];

   con Hardness_ub_con {period in PERIODS}:
      sum {oil in OILS} hardness[oil] * Use[oil,period]
      >= &hardness_lb * Manufacture[period];

   con Hardness_lb_con {period in PERIODS}:
      sum {oil in OILS} hardness[oil] * Use[oil,period]
      <= &hardness_ub * Manufacture[period];


   num hardness_sol {period in PERIODS} =
      (sum {oil in OILS} hardness[oil] * Use[oil,period].sol)
         / Manufacture[period].sol;

   print Buy Use Store Manufacture hardness_sol;

   create data sol_data1 from [oil period] Buy Use Store;
   create data sol_data2 from [period] Manufacture;

   solve with lp / algorithm=ps;
   print Buy Use Store Manufacture hardness_sol;
   solve with lp / algorithm=ip;
   print Buy Use Store Manufacture hardness_sol;
   solve with lp / algorithm=ns;
   print Buy Use Store Manufacture hardness_sol;