Using the COMPRESS option (gantte05)

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: GANTTE05                                            */
/*   TITLE: Using the COMPRESS option (gantte05)                */
/* PRODUCT: OR                                                  */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: GANTT                                               */
/*   PROCS: CPM, SORT, GANTT                                    */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT:                             UPDATE:                 */
/*     REF: Example 5 in the GANTT Chapter (PM User's Guide)    */
/*    MISC:                                                     */
/*                                                              */

title h=2 'Gantt Example 5';
title2 h=1.5 'Using the COMPRESS Option';

/* Activity-on-Node representation of the project */
data widget;
   format task $12. succ1-succ3 $12. ;
   input task & days succ1 & succ2 & succ3 & ;
Approve Plan   5  Drawings      Study Market  Write Specs
Drawings      10  Prototype     .             .
Study Market   5  Mkt. Strat.   .             .
Write Specs    5  Prototype     .             .
Prototype     15  Materials     Facility      .
Mkt. Strat.   10  Test Market   Marketing     .
Materials     10  Init. Prod.   .             .
Facility      10  Init. Prod.   .             .
Init. Prod.   10  Test Market   Marketing     Evaluate
Evaluate      10  Changes       .             .
Test Market   15  Changes       .             .
Changes        5  Production    .             .
Production     0  .             .             .
Marketing      0  .             .             .

data target;
   format task $12. target date7.;
   input task & target & date7.;
Approve Plan   .
Drawings       .
Study Market   .
Write Specs    23dec03
Prototype      15jan04
Mkt. Strat.    31dec03
Materials      .
Facility       .
Init. Prod.    .
Evaluate       .
Test Market    .
Changes        .
Production     .
Marketing      .

data widgett;
   merge widget target;

proc cpm data=widgett date='1dec03'd;
   activity task;
   successor succ1-succ3;
   duration days;
   id target;

 * sort the schedule by the early start date ;
proc sort;
   by e_start;

 * specify the device on which you want the chart printed;
goptions htext=1.1 hpos=110 vpos=40;

 * set up required pattern and symbol statements;
pattern1 c=green v=s;
pattern2 c=green v=e;
pattern3 c=red   v=s;
symbol   c=black v=plus;

* plot the schedule on one page;
proc gantt;
   chart target / dur=days cmile=cyan
                  ctext=blue caxis=cyan
   id task;