IT Service Vision 2.4 Collector Updates


New UNIX sar data support

Updates to HP Measureware

NTSMF Dictionary Updates

Weblog enhancements

IT Service Vision 2.3 Updates

IT Service Vision 2.2.1 Updates

IT Service Vision 2.2 Updates

New UNIX sar data support

Collecting sar data

This section is intended to get you started, please refer to your system's documentation on the 'sar' command for further information. You may already be collecting sar data at your site so the following may be unnecessary.

Generally, SAR data collection can be started with a command similar to :

        sar -A -o sarlog.dat 300 12

Once sar completes the following command will take the binary file created (sarlog.dat) in the example and will produce another file in ASCII format.

        sar -A -f sarlog.dat > sarlog.log

It is this ASCII file that is recognized and processed by IT Service Vision.

Processing SAR data

To process sar data into IT Service Vision, use the %CPPROCES macro as follows:

        %CPPROCES(COLLECTR=SAR,TOOLNM=SASDS,RAWDATA="directory or single file");

This collector will process data generated by a sar command running on HP-UX, Solaris or AIX. Sar data is typically collected and written to a binary data file named after the day of the month. Once a day, or whenever you want to process the data, another sar command should be entered which reports off the binary file, the output of which should be piped to an ASCII log file. It is this log file that the IT Service Vision SAR collector processes. For sites with many machines, multiple log files can be processed if they are placed in a directory and RAWDATA points to this location. You can also create a sub-directories if you wish to segregate different platforms and/or machines. The SAR collector will read all files in the directory that RAWDATA points and all files in its subdirectories (but no deeper).

The SAR collector also supports the automatic execution of duplicate checking macros. As with other similar collectors, code DUPMODE=DISCARD on the %CPPROCES macro to initiate duplicate checking of incoming data.

SAR Dictionary Updates

The following table lists the new SAR tables and variables that have been added to the IT Service Vision dictionary.

Please note that the larger SAR table represents a combination of all the sar metrics from the other tables (except the SARBD block device table). For purposes of efficiency, you should select either the SAR table, or a number of the smaller tables that suit your specific requirements. If you are unsure, select the SAR table initially.

The block device statistics are only found in the SARBD table since this is sorted by device type.

The SARCPUB table contains the same metrics as SARCPU (and the CPU metrics within SAR), but the data is broken out by CPUID if the machine has multiple cpus. This table won't be populated with data if the machine on which sar runs has a single cpu.

Variable Name Description
SAR - UNIX system activity information (SAR)
ATCH Page faults per second that are satisfied by reclaiming a page currently in memory (attaches per second).
BREAD Number of physical reads per second from the disk (or other block devices) to the buffer cache
BSWIN Number of 512-byte blocks transferred for swap-in per second.
BSWOT Number of 512-byte blocks transferred for swap-out per second.
BWRIT Number of physical writes per second from the buffer cache to the disk (or other block devices)
CANCH TTY canonical input characters per second.
CPUBUSY Reports the percentage of time that the CPU was busy with some activity
CSWCH Reports the number of context switches.
CYCLE AIX: Reports the number of page replacement cycles per second.
DIRBLK Number of 512-byte blocks read by the directory search routine to locate a directory entry for a specific file.
EXEC Number of exec system calls per second
FAULT AIX: Reports the number of page faults per second. This is not a count of page faults that generate I/O, because some pagefaults can be resolved without I/O.
FILESZC Current number of entries in use for file table
FILESZO Number of times the file table overflowed during the interval
FILESZT Maximum available entries in file table
FORK Number of fork system calls per second
FREEMEM Average pages available to user processes
FREESWP Disk blocks available for Page Swapping
HOUR Hour_of_day
IDLE Reports the percentage of time the system unit was idle with no outstanding disk I/O requests.
IGET Calls to any of several i-node lookup routines that support multiple file system types. The iget routines return a pointer to the i-node structure of a file or device.
INODSZC Current number of entries in use for inode table
INODSZO Number of times the process table overflowed during the interval
INODSZT Maximum available entries in inode table
KEXIT AIX: Reports the number of kernel processes terminating per second.
KPROCOV AIX: Reports the number of times kernel processes could not be created because of enforcement of process threshold limit.
KSCHED AIX: Reports the number of kernel processes assigned to tasks per second.
LALLOC Amount of memory in bytes allocated to satisfy requests for large amounts of memory
LFAIL Number of requests for large amounts memory that were not satisfied
LGMEM Amount of memory in bytes kernel memory allocation has for large pool
LKUPPN Calls to the directory search routine that finds the address of a v-node given a path name.
LOCKSZC Current number of entries in use for lock table
LOCKSZT Maximum available entries in lock table
LREAD Number of reads per second from buffer cache
LSTPDATE Last process date
LWRIT Number of writes per second to buffer cache
MDMIN TTY modem interrupts per second
MSG Number of IPC message primitives per second
ODIO AIX: Reports the number of non paging disk I/Os per second.
OS Operating System
OUTCH TTY output characters per second
OVSZAL Amount of memory allocated for oversize dynamic requests
OVSZFL Number of requests for dynamic amounts of memory that were not satisfied
PFLT Page faults from protection errors per second (illegal access to page) or (copy-on-writes)
PGFREE Pages per second placed on the free list by the page stealing daemon
PGIN Page-in requests per second
PGOUT Page-out requests per second
PGSCAN Pages per second scanned by the page stealing daemon
PPGIN Pages paged-in per second
PPGOUT Pages paged-out per second
PREAD Number of read I/O operations on raw devices. Requested I/O to raw character devices is not buffered as it is for block devices. The I/O is performed to the device directly.
PROCSZC Current number of entries in use for process table
PROCSZO Number of times the process table overflowed during the interval
PROCSZT Maximum available entries in process table
PSWCH Number of process context switches per second.
PWRIT Number of write I/O operations on raw devices. Requested I/O to raw character devices is not buffered as it is for block devices. The I/O is performed to the device directly.
RAWCH Raw TTY input characters per second
RCACHE Caching effectiveness (cache hit percentage). This percentage is calculated as (100)x(lreads - breads)/(lreads).
RCHAR Number of characters transferred by read system calls (block device only) per second
RCVIN Receive incoming TTY character interrupts per second
RUNOCC Percentage of the time run queue(s) were occupied by processes (in memory and runnable)
RUNQSZ Average length of the run queue(s) of processes (in memory and runnable)
SALLOC Amount of memory in bytes allocated to satisfy requests for small amounts of memory
SCALL Total number of system calls of all types per second
SEMAFOR Number of IPC semaphore primitives per second
SFAIL Number of requests for small amounts memory that were not satisfied
SHIFT Operations_shift
SLOCK Faults per second caused by software lock requests requiring physical I/O
SLOTS AIX: Reports the number of free pages on the paging spaces.
SMLMEM Amount of memory in bytes kernel memory allocation has for small pool
SREAD Number of read system calls per second
SWPIN Number of process swap-ins per second.
SWPOCC Percentage of the time the swap queue of runnable processes(swapped out but ready to run) was occupied
SWPOT Number of process swap-outs per second.
SWPQSZ Average length of the swap queue of runnable processes (swapped out but ready to run)
SWRIT Total number of write system calls per second
SYSBUSY Reports the percentage of time the system unit spent in execution at the system (or kernel) level.
THRDSZC Current number of entries in use for thread table
THRDSZT Maximum available entries in thread table
UFSIPF Percentage of UFS inodes taken off the freelist by the iget which had reusable pages associated with them. Thus, this is the percentage of igets with page flushes
USRBUSY Reports the percentage of time the system unit spent in execution at the user (or application) level.
VFLT Address translation page faults per second (valid page not in memory)
WCACHE Caching effectiveness (cache hit percentage). This percentage is calculated as (100)x(lwrits - bwrits)/(lwrits).
WCHAR Number of characters transferred by write system calls (block device only) per second
WIO Reports the percentage of time the system unit was idle waiting for disk I/O to complete.(only block I/O, raw I/O or VM pageins/swapins indicated)
XMTIN Transmit outgoing TTY characters interrupts per second
SARBD - Block Device Statistics
AVGQUE Average number of requests outstanding for the device
AVGSERV Average time (in milliseconds) to service each transfer request for the device (includes seek, rotational latency and data transfer times)
AVGWAIT Average time (in milliseconds) that transfer requests waited idle on the queue for the device
BLKTRRT Number of bytes transferred (in 512-byte units) from and to the device
DEVBUSY Percentage of time the device was busy servicing a request
DEVICE Disk/Device
HOUR Hour_of_day
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
PARTITN Disk Partition
SHIFT Operations_shift
TRFRATE Number of data transfers per second (read and writes) from and to the device
SARBUF - Buffer Activity Statistics
BREAD Number of physical reads per second from the disk (or other block devices) to the buffer cache
BWRIT Number of physical writes per second from the buffer cache to the disk (or other block devices)
HOUR Hour_of_day
LREAD Number of reads per second from buffer cache
LSTPDATE Last process date
LWRIT Number of writes per second to buffer cache
OS Operating System
PREAD Number of read I/O operations on raw devices. Requested I/O to raw character devices is not buffered as it is for block devices. The I/O is performed to the device directly.
PWRIT Number of write I/O operations on raw devices. Requested I/O to raw character devices is not buffered as it is for block devices. The I/O is performed to the device directly.
RCACHE Caching effectiveness (cache hit percentage). This percentage is calculated as (100)x(lreads - breads)/(lreads).
SHIFT Operations_shift
WCACHE Caching effectiveness (cache hit percentage). This percentage is calculated as (100)x(lwrits - bwrits)/(lwrits).
SARCPU - CPU Utilization
CPUBUSY Reports the percentage of time that the CPU was busy with some activity
HOUR Hour_of_day
IDLE Reports the percentage of time the system unit was idle with no outstanding disk I/O requests.
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
SHIFT Operations_shift
SYSBUSY Reports the percentage of time the system unit spent in execution at the system (or kernel) level.
USRBUSY Reports the percentage of time the system unit spent in execution at the user (or application) level.
WIO Reports the percentage of time the system unit was idle waiting for disk I/O to complete.(only block I/O, raw I/O or VM pageins/swapins indicated)
SARCPUB - CPU Utilization detailed by CPU ID/engine
CPUBUSY Reports the percentage of time that the CPU was busy with some activity
CPUID The id number of the CPU being reported.
HOUR Hour_of_day
IDLE Reports the percentage of time the system unit was idle with no outstanding disk I/O requests.
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
SHIFT Operations_shift
SYSBUSY Reports the percentage of time the system unit spent in execution at the system (or kernel) level.
USRBUSY Reports the percentage of time the system unit spent in execution at the user (or application) level.
WIO Reports the percentage of time the system unit was idle waiting for disk I/O to complete.(only block I/O, raw I/O or VM pageins/swapins indicated)
SARCSW - AIX: System Switching Activity
CSWCH AIX: Reports the number of context switches.
HOUR Hour_of_day
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
SHIFT Operations_shift
SARFAS - File Access System Statistics
DIRBLK Number of 512-byte blocks read by the directory search routine to locate a directory entry for a specific file.
HOUR Hour_of_day
IGET Calls to any of several i-node lookup routines that support multiple file system types. The iget routines return a pointer to the i-node structure of a file or device.
LKUPPN Calls to the directory search routine that finds the address of a v-node given a path name.
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
SHIFT Operations_shift
SARFREE - Unused Resources
FREEMEM Average pages available to user processes
FREESWP Disk blocks available for Page Swapping
HOUR Hour_of_day
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
SHIFT Operations_shift
SARKMA - Kernel Memory Allocation statistics
HOUR Hour_of_day
LALLOC Amount of memory in bytes allocated to satisfy requests for large amounts of memory
LFAIL Number of requests for large amounts memory that were not satisfied
LGMEM Amount of memory in bytes kernel memory allocation has for large pool
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
OVSZAL Amount of memory allocated for oversize dynamic requests
OVSZFL Number of requests for dynamic amounts of memory that were not satisfied
SALLOC Amount of memory in bytes allocated to satisfy requests for small amounts of memory
SFAIL Number of requests for small amounts memory that were not satisfied
SHIFT Operations_shift
SMLMEM Amount of memory in bytes kernel memory allocation has for small pool
SARKPC - Kernel Process Activity
HOUR Hour_of_day
KEXIT AIX: Reports the number of kernel processes terminating per second.
KPROCOV AIX: Reports the number of times kernel processes could not be created because of enforcement of process threshold limit.
KSCHED AIX: Reports the number of kernel processes assigned to tasks per second.
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
SHIFT Operations_shift
SARPAG - Non AIX: Paging Activity
ATCH Page faults per second that are satisfied by reclaiming a page currently in memory (attaches per second).
HOUR Hour_of_day
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
PFLT Page faults from protection errors per second (illegal access to page) or (copy-on-writes)
PGFREE Pages per second placed on the free list by the page stealing daemon
PGIN Page-in requests per second
PGOUT Page-out requests per second
PGSCAN Pages per second scanned by the page stealing daemon
PPGIN Pages paged-in per second
PPGOUT Pages paged-out per second
SHIFT Operations_shift
SLOCK Faults per second caused by software lock requests requiring physical I/O
UFSIPF Percentage of UFS inodes taken off the freelist by the iget which had reusable pages associated with them. Thus, this is the percentage of igets with page flushes
VFLT Address translation page faults per second (valid page not in memory)
SARPG3 - AIX: Paging Statistics
CYCLE AIX: Reports the number of page replacement cycles per second.
FAULT AIX: Reports the number of page faults per second. This is not a count of page faults that generate I/O, because some pagefaults can be resolved without I/O.
HOUR Hour_of_day
LSTPDATE Last process date
ODIO AIX: Reports the number of non paging disk I/Os per second.
OS Operating System
SHIFT Operations_shift
SLOTS AIX: Reports the number of free pages on the paging spaces.
SARQUE - Processor queue statistics
HOUR Hour_of_day
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
RUNOCC Percentage of the time run queue(s) were occupied by processes (in memory and runnable)
RUNQSZ Average length of the run queue(s) of processes (in memory and runnable)
SHIFT Operations_shift
SWPOCC Percentage of the time the swap queue of runnable processes(swapped out but ready to run) was occupied
SWPQSZ Average length of the swap queue of runnable processes (swapped out but ready to run)
SARSEM - Semaphore and Messaging statistics
HOUR Hour_of_day
LSTPDATE Last process date
MSG Number of IPC message primitives per second
OS Operating System
SEMAFOR Number of IPC semaphore primitives per second
SHIFT Operations_shift
SARSTS - System Tables Statistics
FILESZC Current number of entries in use for file table
FILESZO Number of times the file table overflowed during the interval
FILESZT Maximum available entries in file table
HOUR Hour_of_day
INODSZC Current number of entries in use for inode table
INODSZO Number of times the process table overflowed during the interval
INODSZT Maximum available entries in inode table
LOCKSZC Current number of entries in use for lock table
LOCKSZT Maximum available entries in lock table
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
PROCSZC Current number of entries in use for process table
PROCSZO Number of times the process table overflowed during the interval
PROCSZT Maximum available entries in process table
SHIFT Operations_shift
THRDSZC Current number of entries in use for thread table
THRDSZT Maximum available entries in thread table
SARSWP - Swapping and Switching Statistics
BSWIN Number of 512-byte blocks transferred for swap-in per second.
BSWOT Number of 512-byte blocks transferred for swap-out per second.
HOUR Hour_of_day
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
PSWCH Number of process context switches per second.
SHIFT Operations_shift
SWPIN Number of process swap-ins per second.
SWPOT Number of process swap-outs per second.
SARSYS - System Call Statistics
EXEC Number of exec system calls per second
FORK Number of fork system calls per second
HOUR Hour_of_day
LSTPDATE Last process date
OS Operating System
RCHAR Number of characters transferred by read system calls (block device only) per second
SCALL Total number of system calls of all types per second
SHIFT Operations_shift
SREAD Number of read system calls per second
SWRIT Total number of write system calls per second
WCHAR Number of characters transferred by write system calls (block device only) per second
SARTTY - TTY Device Statistics
CANCH TTY canonical input characters per second.
HOUR Hour_of_day
LSTPDATE Last process date
MDMIN TTY modem interrupts per second
OS Operating System
OUTCH TTY output characters per second
RAWCH Raw TTY input characters per second
RCVIN Receive incoming TTY character interrupts per second
SHIFT Operations_shift
XMTIN Transmit outgoing TTY characters interrupts per second


Updates to HP Measureware

NOTE: HP recently announced an expanded suite of HP OpenView Vantagepoint products. As a result of these changes, you may hear HP MeasureWare referred to as Vantagepoint Performance Manager. From the IT Service Vision perspective our support has not changed.

The following table lists the new HP MeasureWare variables that have been added to the IT Service Vision dictionary. For further information on the individual metrics and on which platforms they are produced, please refer to your HP MeasureWare documentation.

Data produced by HP MeasureWare on Windows 2000 has been tested on IT Service Vision Release 2.4.

Variable Name Description
GLBACPU GBL_ACTIVE_CPU: The number of CPUs online on the system.
GLBDIUT GBL_DISK_UTIL: The average percentage of time during the interval that all disks had IO in progress from the point of view of the Operating System.
GLBDREQ GBL_DISK_REQUEST_QUEUE: The total length of all of the disk queues at the end of the interval.
TBLFILU TBL_FILE_TABLE_USED: The number of entries in the file table currently used by file descriptors.
TBLLOCU TBL_FILE_LOCK_USED: The number of file or record locks currently in use.
GLBMCUT GBL_MEM_CACHE_UTIL: The percentage of physical memory used by the buffer cache during the interval.
GLBMPFR GBL_MEM_PAGE_FAULT_RATE: The number of page faults per second during the interval.
GLBMURU GBL_MEM_USER_REFERENCED_UTIL: The percent of physical memory referenced by user code and data at the end of the interval.
GLBMUUU GBL_MEM_USER_UNREFERENCED_UTIL: The percent of physical memory not referenced by user code and data which was allocated for user code and date at the end of the interval.
GLBLDAV GBL_LOADAVG: The average load average of the system during the interval.
DSKQLEN BYDSK_CURR_QUEUE_LENGTH: The average number of physical IO requests that were in the wait and service queues for this disk device during the interval.
FSDIR FS_DIRNAME: The path name of the file system mounted on the logical volume.
LVLDIRA LV_DIRNAME_ALIAS: The absolute path name of this logical volume.
LVLDEVA LV_DEVNAME_ALIAS: The name of this volume group associated with a logical volume.
NETPRT BYNETIF_PACKET_RATE: The number of successful physical packets per second sent and received through the network interface during the interval.
NETC1MR BYNETIF_COLLISION_1_MIN_RATE: The number of physical collisions per minute on the network interface during the interval.
NETE1MR BYNETIF_ERROR_1_MIN_RATE: The number of physical errors per minute on the network interface during the interval.
TTUMAVG TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_AVG: The average value for this metric during the interval.
TTUMAV2 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_AVG_2: The average value for this metric during the interval.
TTUMAV3 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_AVG_3: The average value for this metric during the interval.
TTUMAV4 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_AVG_4: The average value for this metric during the interval.
TTUMAV5 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_AVG_5: The average value for this metric during the interval.
TTUMAV6 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_AVG_6: The average value for this metric during the interval.
TTUMMAX TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MAX: The highest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMX2 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MAX_2: The highest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMX3 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MAX_2: The highest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMX4 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MAX_2: The highest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMX5 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MAX_2: The highest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMX6 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MAX_2: The highest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMIN TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MIN: The lowest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMN2 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MIN_2: The lowest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMN3 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MIN_3: The lowest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMN4 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MIN_4: The lowest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMN5 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MIN_5: The lowest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMMN6 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_MIN_6: The lowest value for this metric found during the interval.
TTUMNME TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_NAME: The name of the user defined transactional measurement.
TTUMNM2 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_NAME_2: The name of the user defined transactional measurement.
TTUMNM3 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_NAME_3: The name of the user defined transactional measurement.
TTUMNM4 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_NAME_4: The name of the user defined transactional measurement.
TTUMNM5 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_NAME_5: The name of the user defined transactional measurement.
TTUMNM6 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_NAME_6: The name of the user defined transactional measurement.
TTUMCNT TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_COUNT: This returns the total number of times the associated user defined metric was sampled during the last interval.
TTUMCN2 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_COUNT_2: This returns the total number of times the associated user defined metric was sampled during the last interval.
TTUMCN3 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_COUNT_3: This returns the total number of times the associated user defined metric was sampled during the last interval.
TTUMCN4 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_COUNT_4: This returns the total number of times the associated user defined metric was sampled during the last interval.
TTUMCN5 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_COUNT_5: This returns the total number of times the associated user defined metric was sampled during the last interval.
TTUMCN6 TT_USER_MEASUREMENT_COUNT_6: This returns the total number of times the associated user defined metric was sampled during the last interval.

The following table describes any updates made to the HP MeasureWare tables in the data dictionary.

Variable Name Description of change
TRNHOLD This interpretation type for this variable has been changed from COUNT to INT.
DSKBUSY Label changed from 'Disk' to 'BusyDisk'.
DSKFULL Label changed from 'Disk' to 'FullDisk'.
MACDSK Label changed from 'Disk' to 'MachDisk'.
CPUAPPL Label changed from 'Application' to 'CPU Appl'.
DSKAPPL Label changed from 'Application' to 'DISK Appl'.
PIOAPPL Label changed from 'Application' to 'PIO Appl'.
CPUPROG Label changed from 'Program' to 'CPUProgram'.The interpretation type for this variable has been changed from COUNT to INT.
DSKPROG Label changed from 'Program' to 'DISKProgram' and reference to CPU in description changed to DISK.
CPUUSER Label changed from 'User' to 'CPUUser'. The interpretation type for this variable has been changed from COUNT to INT.
DSKUSER Label changed from 'User' to 'DISKUser' and reference to CPU in description changed to DISK.


NTSMF Dictionary Updates

This section details the IT Service Vision dictionary changes for NTSMF.

New NTSMF Tables

The following lists the new NTSMF tables and variables that have been added to the IT Service Vision dictionary.

Data produced by NTSMF on Windows 2000 has been tested on IT Service Vision Release 2.4.

Table Name Description
NTISRV0 Windows NT Indexing Service
NTISRVC Windows NT HTTP Indexing Service
NTJBOBJ Windows NT Job Object - Reports the accounting and processor usage data collected by each active named Job object.
NTMSRVR Windows NT SMTP Server
NTODTLS Windows NT Job Object Details - Shows detailed performance information about the active processes that make up a Job object.
NTSFLTR Windows NT Indexing Service Filter
NTSFNWR Windows NT Gateway Service For NetWare - Consists of counters that measure the Gateway Server service.
NTSSN Windows NT Session
NTUSER Windows NT User


Variable Name Description
DCINDXD Indexing Service: # documents indexed
FINDXNG Indexing Service: Deferred for indexing
INDXSMB Indexing Service: Index size (MB)
MRPRGRS Indexing Service: Merge progress is the percentage of merge completed.
RNNGQRS Indexing Service: Running queries
SVINDXS Indexing Service: Saved indexes
TBINDXD Indexing Service: Files to be indexed
TDCMNTS Indexing Service: Total # documents
TTLOQRS Indexing Service: Total # of queries
UNQKEYS Indexing Service: Unique keys
WRDLSTS Indexing Service: Word lists
ACTVQRS Http Indexing Service: Active queries
CCHITMS Http Indexing Service: Cache items
CRRQSQD Http Indexing Service: Current requests queued
PCCCHTS Http Indexing Service: % Cache hits
PCCCMSS Http Indexing Service: % Cache misses
QRSPMNT Http Indexing Service: Queries per minute
TRRJCTD Http Indexing Service: Total requests rejected
TTLQRS Http Indexing Service: Total queries
CRPKMTM Job Object: Current % Kernel Mode Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing code in kernel or privileged mode.
CRPPRTM Job Object: Current % Processor Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the process in the Job object spent executing code.
CRPUMTM Job Object: Current % User Mode Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing code in user mode.
CTRMNTD Job Object: Process Count - Terminated shows the number of processes that have been terminated because of a limit violation.
JBOBJCT Job Object: Job Object
MSPRCS0 Job Object: Total mSec - Processor shows the number of milliseconds of processor time used by all the processes in the Job object since the Job object was created.
MSPRCSR Job Object: This Period mSec - Processor shows the number of milliseconds of processor time used by all the processes in the Job object since the last time a time limit on the Job object was established.
PGSSEC Job Object: Pages/Sec shows the page fault rate of all the processes in the Job object.
PRCACTV Job Object: Process Count - Active shows the number of processes that are currently associated with the Job object.
PRCCTTL Job Object: Process Count - Total shows the number of processes, both active and terminated, that are or have been associated with the Job object.
TMSKRMD Job Object: Total mSec - Kernel Mode shows the number of milliseconds of kernel mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object since the Job object was created.
TPMSKMD Job Object: This Period mSec - Kernel Mode shows the number of milliseconds of kernel mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object since the last time a time limit on Job object was established.
TPMSUMD Job Object: This Period mSec - User Mode shows the number of milliseconds of user mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object since the last time a time limit on the Job was established.
TTMSUMD Job Object: Total mSec - User Mode shows the number of milliseconds of user mode processor time used by all the processes in the Job object since the Job object was created.
AOBJCTS SMTP Server: Messages Refused for Address Objects is the total messages that were refused because of no address objects.
APBFLRS SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP bind failures
APCCOPN SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP connections currently open
APCFLRS SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP connection failures
APSFLRS SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP search failures
APSRCHS SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP searches
ARCMSNT SMTP Server: Avg Recipients/msg Sent is the average recipients per outbound message.
ARMRCVD SMTP Server: Avg Recipients/msg Received is the average number of recipients per inbound message.
ARTMSNT SMTP Server: Avg Retries/msg Sent is the average retries per outbound message sent.
BCTGRZR SMTP Server: Cat: Recipients NDRd by categorizer
BDMHCEX SMTP Server: Badmailed Messages (Hop Count Exceeded)
BDMMBPF SMTP Server: Badmailed Messages (Bad Pickup File)
BDMMSGF SMTP Server: Badmailed Messages (General Failure)
BDMNRCP SMTP Server: Badmailed Messages (No Recipients)
BDMTRVE SMTP Server: Badmailed Messages (Triggered via Event)
BTRCTTL SMTP Server: Bytes Received Total is the total number of bytes that have been received.
BTRCVSC SMTP Server: Bytes Received/sec is the rate per second that bytes are received.
BTSNTTL SMTP Server: Bytes Sent Total is the total number of bytes that have been sent.
BTSSNSC SMTP Server: Bytes Sent/sec is the rate per second that bytes are sent.
BTSTTL SMTP Server: Bytes Total is the total number of bytes that have been sent and received.
BTSTTSC SMTP Server: Bytes Total/sec is the rate that bytes are sent and received.
CADLKPS SMTP Server: Cat: Address lookups
CADLKSC SMTP Server: Cat: Address lookups/sec
CALCMSC SMTP Server: Cat: Address lookup completions/sec
CALNFND SMTP Server: Cat: Address lookups not found
CCFDSCF SMTP Server: Cat: Categorizations failed (DS connection failure)
CCFDSLF SMTP Server: Cat: Categorizations failed (DS logon failure)
CCMPLTD SMTP Server: Cat: Categorizations completed
CCSCSFL SMTP Server: Cat: Categorizations completed successfully
CCTFNRE SMTP Server: Cat: Categorizations failed (non-retryable error)
CCTFOOM SMTP Server: Cat: Categorizations failed (Out Of Memory)
CCTFSRE SMTP Server: Cat: Categorizations failed (sink retryable error)
CCTGCSC SMTP Server: Cat: Categorizations completed/sec
CCTGFRE SMTP Server: Cat: Categorizations failed (retryable error)
CIPRGRS SMTP Server: Cat: Categorizations in progress
CMABRTD SMTP Server: Cat: Messages aborted
CMPLTNS SMTP Server: Cat: Address lookup completions
CMSBMTD SMTP Server: Cat: Messages submitted
CMSSBSC SMTP Server: Cat: Messages submitted/sec
CNCERSC SMTP Server: Connection Errors/sec is the connection errors per second.
CQLNGTH SMTP Server: Categorizer Queue Length
CRNDRAA SMTP Server: Cat: Recipients NDRd (ambiguous address)
CRNDRFL SMTP Server: Cat: Recipients NDRd (forwarding loop)
CRNDRIA SMTP Server: Cat: Recipients NDRd (illegal address)
CRNDRUN SMTP Server: Cat: Recipients NDRd (unresolved)
CTGRZT0 SMTP Server: Cat: Recipients before categorization
CTGRZT1 SMTP Server: Cat: Recipients in categorization
CTGRZTN SMTP Server: Cat: Recipients after categorization
DAPBNDS SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP binds
DAPSCSC SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP searches completed/sec
DNSQRSC SMTP Server: DNS Queries/sec is the number of DNS lookups per second.
DNSQTTL SMTP Server: DNS Queries Total is the total of DNS lookups.
DRCDRSC SMTP Server: Directory Drops/sec
DRCDTTL SMTP Server: Directory Drops Total
DRGNRTD SMTP Server: NDRs Generated is the total non-delivery reports that have been generated.
DSNFLRS SMTP Server: Total DSN Failures
ETRNMSC SMTP Server: ETRN Messages/sec
ICNCRNT SMTP Server: Inbound Connections Current is the total number of client sessions currently connected.
INCNTTL SMTP Server: Inbound Connections Total is the total inbound connections received.
LDAPSSC SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP searches/sec
LQLNGTH SMTP Server: Local Queue Length is the total messages in the local queue.
MBFRCTD SMTP Server: Cat: Messages bifurcated
MBRCTTL SMTP Server: Message Bytes Received Total is the total number of bytes that have been received in messages.
MCTGRZD SMTP Server: Cat: Messages Categorized
MDCLSNS SMTP Server: Cat: mailmsg duplicate collisions
MDLRTRS SMTP Server: Message Delivery Retries is the total local deliveries that were retried.
MILDLVR SMTP Server: Current Messages in Local Delivery
MOBJCTS SMTP Server: Messages Refused for Mail Objects is the total messages that were refused because of no mail objects.
MPNRTNG SMTP Server: Messages Pending Routing
MSBRCSC SMTP Server: Message Bytes Received/sec is the rate per second that bytes are received in messages.
MSBSTTL SMTP Server: Message Bytes Sent Total is the total number of bytes that have been sent in messages.
MSBTSSC SMTP Server: Message Bytes Sent/sec is the rate per second that bytes are sent in messages.
MSBTTSC SMTP Server: Message Bytes Total/sec is the rate per second that bytes are sent and received in messages.
MSBTTTL SMTP Server: Message Bytes Total is the total number of bytes that have been sent and received in messages.
MSDLTTL SMTP Server: Messages Delivered Total is the total messages delivered to local mailboxes.
MSDLVSC SMTP Server: Messages Delivered/sec is the rate per second that messages are delivered to local mailboxes.
MSGRCSC SMTP Server: Messages Received/sec is the rate per second that messages are being received.
MSGSNSC SMTP Server: Messages Sent/sec is the number of outbound messages sent per second.
MSGSTTL SMTP Server: Messages Sent Total is the number of outbound messages sent.
MSRCTTL SMTP Server: Messages Received Total is the total number of messages that have been accepted.
MSRFFSZ SMTP Server: Messages Refused for Size is the total messages that were rejected because they were too big.
MSSRTRS SMTP Server: Message Send Retries is the total outbound message sends that were retried.
NDRODSN SMTP Server: Badmailed Messages (NDR of DSN)
NOMFOPN SMTP Server: Number of Mail Files Open is the ratio of handles to open mail files.
NOQFOPN SMTP Server: Number of Queue Files Open is the ratio of handles to open queue files.
OCNCRNT SMTP Server: Outbound Connections Current is the connections outbound currently.
OCNRFSD SMTP Server: Outbound Connections Refused is the total outbound connection attempts that were refused by remote sites.
OTCNTTL SMTP Server: Outbound Connections Total is the total outbound connections attempted.
PCMPLTN SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP searches pending completion
PCNCTNS SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP connections
PDMRTTL SMTP Server: Pickup Directory Messages Retrieved Total
PDRMRSC SMTP Server: Pickup Directory Messages Retrieved/sec
PGCFLRS SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP general completion failures
PPSFLRS SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP paged search failures
PPSRCHS SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP paged searches
PRCPLCL SMTP Server: % Recipients Local is the percent of messages that will be successfully delivered to local recipients.
PRCPRMT SMTP Server: % Recipients Remote is the percent of messages that will be successfully delivered to remote recipients.
PSCFLR0 SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP search completion failures
PSCFLRS SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP paged search completion failures
RMDLVRD SMTP Server: Avg Retries/msg Delivered is the average number of retries per local delivery.
RNDRSRE SMTP Server: Cat: Recipients NDRd (sink recip errors)
RQLNGT0 SMTP Server: Remote Queue Length is the total messages in the remote queue.
RQLNGT1 SMTP Server: Remote Retry Queue Length
RQLNGTH SMTP Server: Local Retry Queue Length
RTTLKSC SMTP Server: Routing Table Lookups/sec
RTTLTTL SMTP Server: Routing Table Lookups Total
SABNDND SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP searches abandoned
SCMPLT0 SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP searches completed
SCMPLTD SMTP Server: Cat: LDAP paged searches completed
TCNERRS SMTP Server: Total Connection Errors is the total number of connection errors.
TMSBMTD SMTP Server: Total messages submitted
TRNMTTL SMTP Server: ETRN Messages Total
UNDLVRB SMTP Server: Messages Currently Undeliverable
UNRSLVD SMTP Server: Cat: Senders unresolved
WAADRSS SMTP Server: Cat: Senders with ambiguous addresses
CRTPRID Job Object Details: Creating Process ID is the Process ID of the process that created the process.
ELPSDTM Job Object Details: Elapsed Time is the total elapsed time (in seconds) this process has been running.
HNDLCNT Job Object Details: Handle Count is the total number of handles currently open by this process. This number is the sum of the handles currently open by each thread in this process.
IDPRCS Job Object Details: ID Process is the unique identifier of this process.
IODBTSC Job Object Details: IO Data Bytes/sec
IODOPSC Job Object Details: IO Data Operations/sec
IOOOPSC Job Object Details: IO Other Operations/sec
IOOTBSC Job Object Details: IO Other Bytes/sec
IORBTSC Job Object Details: IO Read Bytes/sec
IOROPSC Job Object Details: IO Read Operations/sec
IOWOPSC Job Object Details: IO Write Operations/sec
IOWRBSC Job Object Details: IO Write Bytes/sec
JBOBJCT Job Object Details: Job Object
JOBDTLS Job Object Details: Job Object Details
PCPRCTM Job Object Details: % Processor Time is the percentage of time that the processor is executing a non-Idle thread. This counter was designed as a primary indicator of process activity.
PCTUSTM Job Object Details: % User Time is the percentage of non-idle processor time spent in user mode. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.
PGFBTPK Job Object Details: Page File Bytes Peak is the maximum number of bytes this process has used in the paging file(s).
PGFLBTS Job Object Details: Page File Bytes is the current number of bytes this process has used in the paging file(s).
PGFLTSC Job Object Details: Page Faults/sec is the overall rate faulted pages are handled by the processor. It is measured in numbers of pages faulted per second.
PLPGBTS Job Object Details: Pool Paged Bytes is the number of bytes in the paged pool, an area of system memory for objects that can be written to disk when they are not being used.
PNNPBTS Job Object Details: Pool Nonpaged Bytes is the number of bytes in the nonpaged pool, an area of system memory for objects that cannot be written to disk, but must remain in physical memory while allocated
PPRVLTM Job Object Details: % Privileged Time is the percentage of non-idle processor time spent in privileged mode. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.
PRRTBS Job Object Details: Priority Base is the current base priority of this process. Threads within a process can raise and lower their own base priority relative to the process' base priority.
PRVTBTS Job Object Details: Private Bytes is the current number of bytes this process has allocated that cannot be shared with other processes.
THRDCNT Job Object Details: Thread Count is the number of threads currently active in this process. Every running process has at least one thread.
VRTBTPK Job Object Details: Virtual Bytes Peak is the maximum number of bytes of virtual address space the process has used at any one time.
VRTLBTS Job Object Details: Virtual Bytes is the current size in bytes of the virtual address space the process is using.
WRKNGST Job Object Details: Working Set is the current number of bytes in the Working Set of this process. The Working Set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the process.
WRKNSPK Job Object Details: Working Set Peak is the maximum number of bytes in the Working Set of this process at any point in time.
BNDNTMS Indexing Service Filter: Binding time (msec) is the average time in milliseconds to bind a filter.
INDSMBH Indexing Service Filter: Indexing speed (MB/hr)
TINSMBH Indexing Service Filter: Total indexing speed (MB/hr)
BTRCVSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Bytes Received/sec is the rate of bytes coming in to the Redirector from the network. It includes all application data as well as network protocol information.
BTRNSSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Bytes Transmitted/sec is the rate at which bytes are leaving the Redirector to the network. It includes all application data as well as network protocol information.
BTSTTSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Bytes Total/sec is the rate the Redirector is processing data bytes. This includes all application and file data in addition to protocol information.
CNCNW2X Gateway Service For NetWare: Connect NetWare 2.x counts connections to NetWare 2.x servers.
CNCNW3X Gateway Service For NetWare: Connect NetWare 3.x counts connections to NetWare 3.x servers.
CNCNW4X Gateway Service For NetWare: Connect NetWare 4.x counts connections to NetWare 4.x servers.
DSCNCTS Gateway Service For NetWare: Server Disconnects counts the number of times a Server has disconnected your Redirector.
FDOPRSC Gateway Service For NetWare: File Data Operations/sec is the combined rate of read and write operations on all logical disks on the computer. This is the inverse of System: File Control Operations/sec
FROPRSC Gateway Service For NetWare: File Read Operations/sec is the combined rate of file system read requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to read from the file system cache.
FWOPRSC Gateway Service For NetWare: File Write Operations/sec is the combined rate of the file system write requests to all devices on the computer, including requests to write data in the file to the system cache.
PCBIOSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Packet Burst IO/sec is the sum of Packet Burst Read NCPs/sec and Packet Burst Write NCPs/sec.
PCBRTSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Packet Burst Read Timeouts/sec is the rate the NetWare Service needs to retransmit a Burst Read Request because the NetWare server took too long to respond.
PCBWTSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Packet Burst Write Timeouts/sec is the rate the NetWare Service needs to retransmit a Burst Write Request because the NetWare server took too long to respond.
PCKRCSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Packets Received/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is receiving packets. Network transmissions are divided into packets.
PCKTSSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Packets/sec is the rate the Redirector is processing data packets. One packet contains (hopefully) many bytes. We say hopefully because each packet has protocol overhead.
PCTRNSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Packets Transmitted/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is sending packets (also called SMBs or Server Message Blocks).
RNCPCSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Packet Burst Read NCP Count/sec is the rate of NetWare Core Protocol requests for Packet Burst Read. Packet Burst is a windowing protocol that improves performance.
ROPRRSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Read Operations Random/sec counts the rate at which on a file-by-file basis, reads are made that are not sequential.
RPCKTSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Read Packets/sec is the rate at which read packets are being placed on the network. Each time a single packet is sent with a request to read remotely, this is incremented by one.
SRCNCTS Gateway Service For NetWare: Server Reconnects counts the number of times your Redirector has had to reconnect to a server in order to complete a new active request.
SRVSSNS Gateway Service For NetWare: Server Sessions counts the total number of security objects the Redirector has managed.
WNCPCSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Packet Burst Write NCP Count/sec is the rate of NetWare Core Protocol requests for Packet Burst Read. Packet Burst is a windowing protocol that improves performance.
WOPRRSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Write Operations Random/sec is the rate at which, on a file-by-file basis, writes are made that are not sequential.
WRPCKSC Gateway Service For NetWare: Write Packets/sec is the rate at which writes are being sent to the network. Each time a single packet is sent with a request to write remote data, this is incremented by one.
AOVRFL0 Session: Output Async Overflow
AOVRFL1 Session: Total Async Overflow
AOVRFLW Session: Input Async Overflow
BRSHHRT Session: Brush Hit Ratio
BRSHHTS Session: Brush Hits
BRSHRDS Session: Brush Reads
BTMPHRT Session: Bitmap Hit Ratio
BTMPHTS Session: Bitmap Hits
BTMPRDS Session: Bitmap Reads
ELPSDTM Session: Elapsed Time is the total elapsed time (in seconds) this process has been running.
GLPHHRT Session: Glyph Hit Ratio
GLPHHTS Session: Glyph Hits
GLPHRDS Session: Glyph Reads
ICFLSHS Session: Input Compress Flushes
ICMPBTS Session: Input Compressed Bytes
IDPRCS Session: ID Process is the unique identifier of this process.
INAFERR Session: Input Async Frame Error
INAOVRN Session: Input Async Overrun
INAPERR Session: Input Async Parity Error
INCMPRT Session: Input Compression Ratio
INPERRS Session: Input Errors
INPFRMS Session: Input Frames
INPTBTS Session: Input Bytes
INPTMTS Session: Input Timeouts
INPWBTS Session: Input WdBytes
INWFOBF Session: Input WaitForOutBuf
INWFRMS Session: Input WdFrames
OCFLSHS Session: Output Compress Flushes
OCMPBTS Session: Output Compressed Bytes
OTAFERR Session: Output Async Frame Error
OTAOVRN Session: Output Async Overrun
OTCMPRT Session: Output Compression Ratio
OTPERRS Session: Output Errors
OTPFRMS Session: Output Frames
OTPPERR Session: Output Parity Error
OTPTBTS Session: Output Bytes
OTPTMTS Session: Output Timeouts
OTPWBTS Session: Output WdBytes
OTWFOBF Session: Output WaitForOutBuf
OTWFRMS Session: Output WdFrames
PCPRCTM Session: % Processor Time is the percentage of time that the processor is executing a non-Idle thread. This counter was designed as a primary indicator of processor activity.
PCTUSTM Session: % User Time is the percentage of non-idle processor time spent in user mode.
PGFBTPK Session: Page File Bytes Peak is the maximum number of bytes this process has used in the paging file(s).
PGFLBTS Session: Page File Bytes is the current number of bytes this process has used in the paging file(s).
PGFLTSC Session: Page Faults/sec is the overall rate faulted pages are handled by the processor. It is measured in numbers of pages faulted per second.
PLPGBTS Session: Pool Paged Bytes is the number of bytes in the paged pool.
PNNPBTS Session: Pool Nonpaged Bytes is the number of bytes in the nonpaged pool.
PPRVLTM Session: % Privileged Time is the percentage of non-idle processor time spent in privileged mode.
PRRTBS Session: Priority Base is the current base priority of this process. Threads within a process can raise and lower their own base priority relative to the process' base priority.
PRVTBTS Session: Private Bytes is the current number of bytes this process has allocated that cannot be shared with other processes.
SESSION Session: Session
SSCBHRT Session: Save Screen Bitmap Hit Ratio
SSCBHTS Session: Save Screen Bitmap Hits
SSCBRDS Session: Save Screen Bitmap Reads
TASFERR Session: Total Async Frame Error
TASOVRN Session: Total Async Overrun
TASPERR Session: Total Async Parity Error
TCFLSHS Session: Total Compress Flushes
TCMPBTS Session: Total Compressed Bytes
TCMPRRT Session: Total Compression Ratio
THRDCNT Session: Thread Count is the number of threads currently active in this process.
TPINHRT Session: Total protocol Interval Hit Ratio
TPRTHRT Session: Total protocol Hit Ratio
TPRTHSC Session: Total protocol Hits/Sec
TPRTHTS Session: Total protocol Hits
TPRTRDS Session: Total protocol Reads
TPRTRSC Session: Total protocol Reads/Sec
TTLBTS Session: Total Bytes
TTLERRS Session: Total Errors
TTLFRMS Session: Total Frames
TTLTMTS Session: Total Timeouts
TTLWBTS Session: Total WdBytes
TTWFOBF Session: Total WaitForOutBuf
TTWFRMS Session: Total WdFrames
VRTBTPK Session: Virtual Bytes Peak is the maximum number of bytes of virtual address space the process has used at any one time.
VRTLBTS Session: Virtual Bytes is the current size in bytes of the virtual address space the process is using.
WRKNGST Session: Working Set is the current number of bytes in the Working Set of this process.
WRKNSPK Session: Working Set Peak is the maximum number of bytes in the Working Set of this process at any point in time.
ELPSDTM User: Elapsed Time is the total elapsed time (in seconds) this process has been running.
IDPRCS User: ID Process is the unique identifier of this process.
PCPRCTM User: % Processor Time is the percentage of time that the processor is executing a non-Idle thread.
PCTUSTM User: % User Time is the percentage of non-idle processor time spent in user mode.
PGFBTPK User: Page File Bytes Peak is the maximum number of bytes this process has used in the paging file(s).
PGFLBTS User: Page File Bytes is the current number of bytes this process has used in the paging file(s).
PGFLTSC User: Page Faults/sec is the overall rate faulted pages are handled by the processor. It is measured in numbers of pages faulted per second.
PLPGBTS User: Pool Paged Bytes is the number of bytes in the paged pool. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.

Updates to NTSMF Tables

Variable Name Description
DBRQSTS Active Server Pages: Debugging Requests
DSCNCTD Active Server Pages: Requests Disconnected
EDSRNTM Active Server Pages: Errors During Script Runtime
ERRSSEC Active Server Pages: Errors/Sec
NATHRZD Active Server Pages: Requests Not Authorized
NTFCTNS Active Server Pages: Template Notifications
PRPRCSR Active Server Pages: Errors From ASP Preprocessor
BREXTNG Active Server Pages: Requests Executing
RQBITTL Active Server Pages: Request Bytes In Total
RQBOTTL Active Server Pages: Request Bytes Out Total
RQSFTTL Active Server Pages: Requests Failed Total
RQSNFND Active Server Pages: Requests Not Found
RQSSCDD Active Server Pages: Requests Succeeded
RQSTSQD Active Server Pages: Requests Queued
SCECCHD Active Server Pages: Script Engines Cached
SCMPLRS Active Server Pages: Errors From Script Compilers
SSNDRTN Active Server Pages: Session Duration
SSNSTTL Active Server Pages: Sessions Total
TMPCCHD Active Server Pages: Templates Cached
TMPCHRT Active Server Pages: Template Cache Hit Rate
TRABRTD Active Server Pages: Transactions Aborted
TRNCMTD Active Server Pages: Transactions Committed
TRNSCSC Active Server Pages: Transactions/Sec
TRNSTTL Active Server Pages: Transactions Total
TRPNDNG Active Server Pages: Transactions Pending
SPLIOSC LogicalDisk: Split IO/Sec
AVLKBTS Memory: Available KBytes
AVLMBTS Memory: Available MBytes
SPLIOSC PhysicalDisk: Split IO/Sec
CRTPRID Process: Creating Process ID is the Process ID of the process that created the process.
IODBTSC Process: IO Data Bytes/sec
IODOPSC Process: IO Data Operations/sec
IOOOPSC Process: IO Other Operations/sec
IOOTBSC Process: IO Other Bytes/sec
IORBTSC Process: IO Read Bytes/sec
IOROPSC Process: IO Read Operations/sec
IOWOPSC Process: IO Write Operations/sec
IOWRBSC Process: IO Write Bytes/sec
PRCSS System: Processes
THREADS System: Threads

Support for Windows 2000 NTSMF Data

There are no changes required by the customer.

IT Service Vision now includes support for Windows 2000 NTSMF data. Windows 2000 provides 4 options for collecting performance data that may be set with the diskperf command. These allow collection of data for:

  1. All disk performance counters (option -Y)
  2. Physical disk counters only (option -YD)
  3. Logical disk counters only (option -YV)
  4. No disk performance counters (option -N)

For more information on the diskperf command, consult the Windows 2000 help documentation.

IT Service Vision will NOT support data generated by Windows 2000 using the logical disk only option (-YV).  There appears to be a problem in Windows 2000 when the -YV option is set, as the data record produces a physical disk object with no data values.  Therefore, support will only be provided for data generated using the -Y, -YD, and -N options.

There have been changes to the physical disk and logical disk objects in Windows 2000.  The logical disk object still includes the logical disk instance variable, however it no longer contains the physical disk instance variable.  The physical disk instance variable in the physical disk object now contains both physical disk information and logical disk information.  Since it is helpful to have the physical and logical disk information stored separately in some cases (for reporting, for instance), two formula variables have been created in the physical disk table for this purpose.  The formula variable PDISK will contain the physical disk information, and the formula variable LDISK will contain the logical disk information.  By default, these variables are not kept.

Weblog Enhancements

NOTE:Due to the potentially large volume of WEBLOG data needing to be processed, the default implementation of WEBLOG support pre-summarizes the raw data and places it in the DAY reduction level summarized at the hour.


Identify your Weblog data format

There are several different formats for WEB logs and IT Service Vision can process most of them without modification.

With ITSV V2.3 and higher you can specify a COLLECTR=WEBLOG and TOOLNM=AUTO in your %CPPROCES macro and ITSV will try to detect the WEB log format. Unfortunately, not all WEB logs can be processed this way as they contain insufficient or no header information. See the bottom of this page for some tips in identifying your log format.

QuickStart Wizard

Use the QuickStart Wizard to process your WEB log data for the first time. The batch job, PDB and reports that are generated can be tailored to suit your requirements.

You may want to investigate the following areas as they may help reduce resource consumption (both disk space and CPU):-

Keeping DETAIL data

Due to the typically large volume of data associated with WEB logs, the detail data is not written to the DETAIL level of the PDB, instead, using exit points it is possible to write out to a SAS data set. This data set is not included as part of the reduction process and will be overwritten when the next batch runs.

Two of the Character-Delimited support exit points are used to output this detail data, both these and other exit points are discussed in Generic Collector Appendix 2: Using Character-Delimited Data.

To keep the detail data you will have to do the following :-

  1. Copy PGMLIB.WEBLOG.CDC020.SOURCE to x.WEBLOG.CDC020.SOURCE (where x is ADMIN or SITELIB) and specify the location of the SAS data set that you want to create and it's keep list.
  2. Copy PGMLIB.WEBLOG.CDCINPUT.SOURCE to x.WEBLOG.CDCINPUT.SOURCE (where x is ADMIN or SITELIB) and uncomment the OUTPUT statement at the bottom of the code.

Summarizing to an Interval Less Than 1 hour


Checklist for using alternative summary interval

  1. Update table definitions
  2. The WEB* tables will require will require their default definitions to be updated to ensure that the data is summarized correctly and the reduction levels and also so that the statistics are correct at the reduction levels.

  3. Set the CPSUMDUR macro variable prior to running %CPPROCES
  4. The CPSUMDUR macro variable has to be set to a valid value prior to running %CPPROCES against the WEBRES table. Valid values are :-

    If any other value is used then the default of 3600 (1 hour) will be used.

    %let cpsumdur=900; /* 15 minutes */

Tips for identifying your WEB log format