itsvfmt Shell Script


This shell script is used to prepare the passwd and group file information ready for building formats in IT Service Vision that will be used in the processing of UNIX accounting data. This shell script can be found under the /misc/cpe (UNIX), \cpe\sasmisc (NT,98,OS/2) sub-directories or in the itsvfmt pds member in sas.cpe.cpmisc data set on MVS (where sas represents the prefix where sas is installed at your site).

When the UNIX accounting data is processed, it contains numbers representing users and groups. The passwd and group files are used to build formats that will convert these user and group numbers to more meaningful names.

If the passwd and group information is already included in with the UNIX accounting binary data files (see itsvacct) then you do not need to run this shell script. However, if it is not, then you will need to run this shell script and use the file created as input to the %CPACCFMT macro.

The DOMAIN value that is stored in this file is required. It is the DOMAIN value that is used to link a UNIX accounting data file to the correct formats. If the 'domainname' command does not supply a value then you will have to supply one.


itsvfmt [-d domain] [-p passwd_file] [-g group_file] [-h]


The following table lists the default values that this shell script uses if no switches are used:

Switch Required/Optional Default Description
-c domain_name Optional Obtained through the domainname command. The resulting file that is output from this shell script must contain a value for DOMAIN. If your 'domainname' command does not return a valid value then this switch allows you to provide one.
-p passwd_file Optional None This switch allows you to specify a passwd file location.
-g group_file Optional None This switch allows you to specify a group file location.

The following is a small example of the contents of a format file.

operator,0,101,Data Center.


To create a format file using the default domain and only the passwd formats:

    itsvfmt -p /etc/passwd2 > format.txt

To create a file overriding all the options:

    itsvfmt -d domain02 -p /etc/passwd2 -g /etc/group2 > format.txt