

void CopyToOutputDocument( <int nGraphicType> )

void CopyToOutputDocument( <int nGraphicType,> int nWidth, int nHeight )


int nGraphicType
A predefined constant that specifies the type of graphic you want inserted into the output window. The valid values are GRAPHICTYPE_DIB, GRAPHICTYPE_WMF, and GRAPHICTYPE_EMF. Calling this method without specifying the nGraphicType parameter is equivalent to calling it with nGraphicType equal to GRAPHICTYPE_DIB.

int nWidth
The desired width of the image in pixels. This parameter must be less than 32768. See Remarks for further details.

int nHeight
The desired height of the image in pixels. This parameter must be less than 32768. See Remarks for further details.


This method copies a static image of the plot to the output window (either an HTML output window or a LISTING output document window). The type of graphic inserted into the output window is determined by the nGraphicType parameter. The various graphic types are as follows:

Copies the plot as a Windows Device Independent Bitmap.

Copies the plot as a Windows Metafile.

Copies the plot as a Windows Enhanced Metafile.

IMPORTANT: There are serious limitations that apply when you copy an EMF graphic into a LISTING output document. For a description of these limitations, please refer to the section Windows Enhanced Metafile Format in the topic Graphics File Formats. If you only intend to view the LISTING output document on the screen and do not intend to save the LISTING output document in an RTF file, you should use the EMF format.

The HTML output window supports EMF graphics without limitations.

Refer to the topic Graphics File Formats for additional information about these different types of graphics.

If nWidth and nHeight are both greater than or equal to one, the dimensions of the image are nWidth pixels wide by nHeight pixels tall. If either nWidth or nHeight is less than one, the dimensions of the image are the same as those of the plot as shown on the screen.

Calling this method without specifying the nWidth and nHeight parameters is equivalent to calling it with nWidth and nHeight equal to -1.

x = 1:5;
y = x;
declare ScatterPlot plot;
plot = ScatterPlot.Create( "Example", x, y );
plot.CopyToOutputDocument( 300, 191 );
See Also
