Information Maps in /Shared Data/Maps

Name Description
Beer Sales Sales of beer by month
Cars Based on the CARS_1993 data
PrdSale Sales data for some products

Data items in /Shared Data/Maps/Cars

Path Display name Syntax Name Description Type Format
/Cost Price Price Price in dollars MEASURE BEST12.
/Engine Citympg Citympg City MPG MEASURE BEST12.
  Enginesize Enginesize How big? MEASURE BEST12.
  Fueltank Fueltank How big is the tank? MEASURE BEST12.
  Highwaympg Highwaympg Highway MPG MEASURE BEST12.
  Horsepower Horsepower HP MEASURE BEST12.
/Maker Manufacturer Manufacturer Who makes it CATEGORY $13.
  Model Model Auto model CATEGORY $10.
  Origin Origin Where it comes from CATEGORY $6.
/Type Passengers Passengers Who will it hold? CATEGORY BEST12.
  Type Type Type of body CATEGORY $8.
  Weight Weight How heavy? MEASURE BEST12.

Filters in /Shared Data/Maps/Cars

Path Display name Syntax name Description Uses prompts?
/ Domestic only Domestic only Where Origin = US  
  Gas guzzlers Gas guzzlers Highway MPG < 18  
  Manufacturers to include Manufacturers to include Select from a list of makers Using