DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.6: User Guide

Parse Definition Quick Editor - Element Analysis

Element Analysis shows how often each word is listed along with the category, based on the parse definition vocabulary.

The columns on the Element Analysis tab include:

Note Note: The Categories column includes categories from all the vocabularies.

Right-click on the entry to make changes to the category:

Assign Basic Category - Click Assign Basic Category for the following drop-down list options:

Create Category - Select Create Category to add a basic category. The Add Category dialog opens.

NUM (Number) - Use this category when you have a number as a part of the data (for example, Address).

Unassign Basic Category - When you have a basic category you want to remove, right-click the word and select Unassign Basic Category to return to the default category.

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Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: DMCust_PDQE_13002.html