You are here: Administration Riser Bar>Maintaining Repository Definitions>Connecting to Repositories

DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.5: User Guide

Connecting to Repositories

You must connect to a repository where profiles, business rules, jobs, and other objects are stored before you can use DataFlux Data Management Studio. DataFlux Data Management Studio is shipped with an example repository, DataFlux Sample. This repository includes examples data connections, data jobs, process jobs, and other components. It is for training purposes only. It should not be used for production.

NoteNote: If you are upgrading from a previous release of DataFlux Data Management Studio, you might be prompted to upgrade your repository. Back up your repository before upgrading. If you are upgrading from dfPower Studio, see the DataFlux Migration Guide.

Perform the following steps to connect to an existing repository:

  1. Click on the Administration riser bar.
  2. Click on the Repository Definitions folder in the left pane. You should see one or more repositories in the Repository Definitions pane on the right. Note the status of the repositories Connected or Disconnected.
  3. Select a disconnected repository from the list, and then click on the Connect button above the repositories.

If you are successful, the status of the repository should change to Connected. You can now work with objects in this repository.

To display the properties of a repository in the Repository Definitions folder, such as the physical paths to its storage areas, select a repository in the list. Information about that repository will display on the right.

See also Repository Usage Notes.


Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfU_T_ReposConnect.html