You are here: Customizing Quality Knowledge Bases>Customize - Grammar Editor>Modifying Grammars

DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.5: User Guide

Customize - Grammar Editor - Modifying Grammars

There are several ways you can modify Grammars.

Add a category to an existing Grammar

  1. On the Grammar Editor dialog, choose File > Open. The Open dialog opens.
  2. Select the Grammar to which you are adding a category, and then click Open. The Grammar's details appear on the Grammar Editor dialog.
  3. Select Edit > Add Category. The Add Category dialog appears.
  4. Enter an abbreviation and a descriptive name for your new category, select Basic, and then click OK.

Add a rule to a Grammar's existing derived category

  1. On the Grammar Editor dialog, choose File > Open. The Open dialog opens.
  2. Select the Grammar that contains the derived category to which you are adding a rule, and then click Open. The Grammar's details appear on the Grammar Editor dialog.
  3. In the tree view, select the derived category to which you want to add a rule.
  4. Select Edit > Add Rule. New fields appear on the right side of the Grammar Editor dialog, displaying the rules for the selected derived category. Click Add to build a new rule from the available categories, and then assign a Priority.

Modify a category's abbreviation

  1. On the Grammar Editor dialog, choose File > Open. The Open dialog opens.
  2. Select the Grammar that contains the category whose abbreviation you want to change, and then click Open. The Grammar's details appear on the Grammar Editor dialog.
  3. In the tree view, select the category whose abbreviation you want to change.
  4. Select Edit > Change Category Abbreviation. The Change Category Abbreviation dialog appears.
  5. Edit the abbreviation, and then click OK.

Modify a category's name

  1. On the Grammar Editor dialog, choose File > Open. The Open dialog opens.
  2. Select the Grammar that contains the category whose name you want to change, and then click Open. The Grammar's details appear on the Grammar Editor dialog.
  3. In the tree view, select the category whose name you want to change.
  4. On the right of the screen, change the text in the Name field.

Modify the priority or category assigned to a rule

  1. On the Grammar Editor dialog, choose File > Open. The Open dialog opens.
  2. Select the Grammar that contains the rule whose priorities or categories you want to change, and then click Open. The Grammar's details appear on the Grammar Editor dialog.
  3. In the tree view, select the category that contains the rule you want to change.
  4. On the right of the screen, under Category, select the rule you want to change.
  5. To change the rule's priority, select a new priority from the Priority drop-down.
  6. To change the rule's category, click Edit, use the Edit Rule Category dialog to select a new category, and then click OK.

Delete a category

  1. On the Grammar Editor dialog, choose File > Open. The Open dialog opens.
  2. Select the Grammar that contains the category you want to delete, and then click Open. The Grammar's details appear on the Grammar Editor dialog.
  3. In the tree view, select the category you want to delete.
  4. Select Edit > Delete Category. The category is deleted immediately and without confirmation.

Note Note: If the category you are attempting to delete is used in a rule for another category, you will not be able to delete the category. Instead, an error message will appear and the deletion will abort.

Caution Caution: When you attempt to delete categories that are used inside other categories, a warning message will tell you the category might become invalid if you delete it here. Avoid deleting categories that are used by other category rules. You may corrupt the entire Grammar. To ensure this is not a problem, if you want to delete a category from your Grammar, delete or modify all the rules that reference the category you want to delete.

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Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfU_Cstm_Gram_15002.html