DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.5: User Guide

Process Status Values

The process status values returned describe the result output quality of a call to AddressDoctor. This value is returned by selecting an output field that is of type PARAMETER and has the name “ProcessStatus”.

Value Description
V4 Verified – Input data correct - all (postally relevant) elements were checked and input matched perfectly
V3 Verified – Input data correct on input but some or all elements were standardised or input contains outdated names or exonyms
V2 Verified – Input data correct but some elements could not be verified because of incomplete reference data
V1 Verified – Input data correct but the user standardisation has deteriorated deliverability (wrong element user standardisation – for example, postcode length chosen is too short). Not set by validation.
C4 Corrected – all (postally relevant) elements have been checked
C3 Corrected – but some elements could not be checked
C2 Corrected – but delivery status unclear (lack of reference data)
C1 Corrected – but delivery status unclear because user standardisation was wrong. Not set by validation.
I4 Data could not be corrected completely, but is very likely to be deliverable – single result (e.g. One result found, but too poor for a C status. e.g. HNO is identified as wrong in batch mode.)
I3 Data could not be corrected completely, but is very likely to be deliverable – multiple results (e.g. HNO is wrong, several HNO generated in interactive mode.)
I2 Data could not be corrected, but there is a slim chance that the address is deliverable
I1 Data could not be corrected and is pretty unlikely to be delivered.
N1 Validation Error: No validation performed because country was not recognized
N2 Validation Error: No validation performed because required reference database is not available
N3 Validation Error: No validation performed because country could not be unlocked
N4 Validation Error: No validation performed because reference database is corrupt or in wrong format
N5 Validation Error: No validation performed because reference database is too old – please contact AddressDoctor to obtain updated reference data
Q3 FastCompletion Status – Suggestions are available – complete address
Q2 FastCompletion Status – Suggested address is complete but combined with elements from the input (added or deleted)


FastCompletion Status – Suggested address is not complete (enter more information)
Q0 FastCompletion Status – Insufficient information provided to generate suggestions
S4 Parsed perfectly
S3 Parsed with multiple results
S2 Parsed with Errors – Elements change position
S1 Parse Error – Input Format Mismatch
RB Country recognized from Abbreviation
RA Country recognized from ForceCountryISO3 Setting
R9 Country recognized from DefaultCountryISO3 Setting
R8 Country recognized from name without errors
R7 Country recognized from name with errors
R6 Country recognized from territory
R5 Country recognized from province
R4 Country recognized from major town
R3 Country recognized from format
R2 Country recognized from script
R1 Country not recognized - multiple matches
R0 Country not recognized

It is strictly recommended to only accept records with Vx or Cx status for automated data updates. Ix records need to be reviewed manually before using these results for any data update whatsoever.

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfDMStd_Task_World2_ProcessValues.html