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The SAS/C® Tour



  • Make sure you have a DD for SYSTERM and check the contents of SYSTERM for any LSCX* warning or error messages. A traceback will also be written to SYSTERM if your program abends. The traceback is useful to Technical Support in determining the last modules and instructions executed at the time of the abend.

  • Nothing written to SYSTERM? Add runtime options =WARNING and =BTRACE and re-run. This will force any suppressed warning messages and generate a traceback.

  • Problems with storage? Use runtime option =STORAGE to produce a storage analysis report.

    • Note: If you are executing an all-resident module with =storage, you must also define the macro name ALLOW_TRANSIENT in the program that includes resident.h. See the storage command section of the SAS/C Debugger User’s Guide and Reference for detailed information about how to use the report.

  • SAS/C compiler, linkage, and runtime messages begin with LS* and descriptions for these are in the SAS/C Software Diagnostic Messages book.

  • Search the SAS/C Usage Note Database to see if your problem has been reported previously. If you find a note and it contains a zap, there will be a link to the zap at the bottom of the note. If you already know the zap that needs to be applied, find the zap here.

  • Use the SAS/C Debugger to debug your application.

  • Refer to A Guide for the SAS/C Compiler Consultant for more information on maintenance and applying zaps.