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Error Handling

Debugger Internal Errors

Debugger internal errors are of two types: recoverable and nonrecoverable. If the debugger detects a nonrecoverable error, it displays the following message:

Debugger unrecoverable internal error: <symbol>

where symbol is an identifying symbol for the error. Then the debugger calls the abort function in order to produce a traceback and terminate. If the debugger detects a recoverable error, it displays the following message:

LSCD998: Debugger recoverable internal error: <symbol>

This message is followed by a traceback. Again, symbol is an identifying symbol for the error. The debugger does not terminate, but the debugger command that produced this message may not have been executed. These messages are often a result of the debugger's storage being overwritten by the program being debugged. However, if you think that the problem is with the debugger, contact your SAS Installation Representative for C Compiler products. In the problem description, include both the value of symbol and the traceback information.

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