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Command Directory


Transfer Debugger/Program Values to CLIST/EXEC Variables



Format 1: transfer
Format 2: transfer
Format 3: transfer
Format 4: transfer
Format 5: transfer
Format 6: transfer
Format 7: transfer
VAR-NAME cause
Format 8: transfer
VAR-NAME scope

The transfer command enables you to assign different character strings containing debugger information or program values to CLIST/EXEC variables. The transfer command facilitates communication between the debugger and CLISTs and EXECs. Note that transfer is issued to the debugger by a CLIST or EXEC, not from the Command window.

In all the formats above, VAR-NAME is any valid CLIST or EXEC variable name. VAR-NAME is limited to 64 characters. FMT-SPEC is a valid format, which means any valid printf specification, provided it begins with a %.

Format 1: Format 1 transfers one or more settings of the auto option. FMT-SPEC is specified only for the linesize keyword. If no keyword is specified, all auto settings are transferred in a string formatted as follows (where b=blank):

Columns String
1-6 bbecho/noecho
7 blank
8-11 bbid/noid
12 blank
13-18 bblist/nolist
19 blank
20-28 bbnullptr/nonullptr
29 blank
30-35 bbwrap/nowrap
36 blank
37-45 bbcmacro/nocmacro
46 blank
47-55 bbdumpabs/nodumpabs
56 blank
57-66 bbexececho/noexececho
67 blank
68-76 bbextname/noextname
77 blank
78-82 bbcxx/nocxx
83 blank
84-95 LINESIZE:nnn

Individual settings are transferred by specifying the keyword.

Format 2: Format 2 transfers various ENVIRONMENT settings. The -N option is used to call ENVIRONMENT settings that are earlier in the calling sequence. For example, -1 can be used to transfer the value of a setting that is one function earlier in the calling sequence. The ENVIRONMENT settings that can be specified as arguments to the transfer command, include the following:

Format 3: Format 3 assigns the value of an expression to a CLIST/EXEC variable. EXPRESSION is any valid scalar expression supported by the print command, and FMT-SPEC is any valid format specification supported by the print command.

If an FMT-SPEC is given, the string assigned to VAR-NAME is similar to that created for the print command, but without the expression : prefix. Strings can be transferred by specifying %s printf format specification, but using the str keyword may be more natural. (See Format 4, which is described next.)

If no FMT-SPEC is given, the default output is as follows:

Type 1
defaults to arithmetic.
short and long the decimal value using the %d format for signed and %u for unsigned.
char printable: x form escape character: \ n form otherwise: \ xnn
float and double %.6E and %.15E, respectively.

Type 2
defaults to pointer. Eight hexadecimal digits are prefixed with a 0p .

Type 3
structure or union types are not allowed. Only scalar types are allowed.

Type 4
defaults to array. The address of the array is output using the format of Type 2.

Type 5
defaults to address. The address is output using the format of Type 2.

Type 6
defaults to enum . The enum constant is printed. If there is no enum constant corresponding to the value, the value in decimal is printed.

Type 7
defaults to bitfield. The %d or %u format is printed, depending on whether the bitfield is signed or unsigned.

Format 4: EXPRESSION is any valid expression accepted by the dump command, which is any address type expression. If the optional, N is not specified, a null-terminated string is copied to VAR-NAME. Otherwise, N bytes, followed by a null byte, are copied. The following examples illustrate this format. Assume a=abcdef .

transfer xyz str a (xyz gets the string "abcdef ")

transfer xyz str a,3 (xyz gets the string "abc")

Format 5: EXPRESSION is any valid expression accepted by the dump command, which is any address type expression. If the optional, N is not specified, the hex representation of a null-terminated string is copied to VAR-NAME. Otherwise, the hex representation of N bytes is copied. Again assuming a=abcdef" , the following examples illustrate this format:

transfer xyz dump a (xyz gets the string & "818283848586")

transfer xyz dump a,3 (xyz gets the string "818283")

Format 6: Format 6 assigns the type of an expression to a CLIST/EXEC variable. The string assigned to VAR-NAME is a string that describes the expression in C terms. Assume i , cp , and sp are declared as follows:

   int i;
   char * cp;
   struct SSS * sp;

Then, this format is illustrated as follows:

transfer xyz typeof i(xyz gets the string "int")

transfer xyz typeof cp(xyz gets the string "char *")

transfer xyz typeof sp (xyz gets the string "struct SSS *")}

Format 7: Format 7 uses the VAR-NAME argument to assign the reason the debugger has control to a CLIST/EXEC variable. VAR-NAME is assigned one of the following strings:
NNNN monitor MON-DET
0000 signal SIGNAL-NAME
0000 attn

NNNN is the request number in the query list, and it is right-justified with as few digits as needed. The REASON argument is either break, step, or continue. FNAME and SNAME are the function name and compilation of the routine that was stopped in. LINE-SPEC is a line number (in decimal) or calls/entry/return.

MON-DET is what appears for that monitor if you do a query.

If more than one of the above causes is present, the following hierarchy (in order of most important to least important) is used to output the more important cause:
BREAK (also generated for on commands)

Format 8: This format uses the scope keyword to transfer the traceback level from the debugger to a CLIST or EXEC variable specified by the VAR-NAME argument. The output from the command is a string containing the traceback level and starting with a minus sign. For example, if the traceback level is five, the output of the command is -5.

The EXEC named DUMPTREE, in Example REXX EXEC Application, contains several transfer commands that demonstrate how you can transfer debugger variable values to CLIST or EXEC variables.


In an expression context, the transfer command uses command scope to resolve references to all identifiers.


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