Chapter Contents


Changes to the Workflow and User Interface

Searching for Data

Searches are carried out using metadata stored locally in the SASUSER library. In SAS/ASSIST Software Release 8.2, searches using column names are also possible.

Search Using Table or Column Names

In the Select Table window, select [Table/Column Search] to search using table or column names.

If you select Table in the Table/Column Search window, the window shown in the following display appears.

Table/Column Search Window


If you select the [Column] radio button in the Table/Column Search window, the window shown in the following display appears. The Column Name list contains a list of all the available columns and the table in which they are located.

Table/Column Search Window


The Table/Column Search window displays an alphabetical list of all the available tables or columns. Both table and column names starting with an uppercase character take a higher alphabetical precedence than those starting with a lowercase character, so Z has a higher precedence than a .

You can subset the Table Name and Column Name lists by entering a character (or string of characters) in the Search Criterion field. Subsetting results in a list of tables or columns whose initial characters match the search criterion characters. At this time, wildcard searches are not supported.

Note:   You must select a table or column from the subset list, even if only one table or column is found.  [cautionend]
After you have selected a table or column, select [OK]. The Select Table window appears and, if you selected a table, the table name is displayed in the Table field.

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