
SAS® AppDev Studio 3.0 Developer's Site

Customizing The New File Wizard

How Custom Templates Change The New File Wizard
Quick Start - Adding New Content Templates For Existing Types
Anatomy of a Sample XML Template File
How the New File Wizard "Discovers" New File Templates
Structure of a New File Template XML File
Content Type and Content Template Attributes
The <content> Tag and Other Child Elements
Adding Content Templates To Pre-defined File Types
Property Substitution During File Creation
Creating Multiple Files From One Template
Making Defaults Vary With Content Template
Restricting Templates to Certain Web Application Types or Options
Changing the Predefined Templates
Troubleshooting Tips for Templates
Additional Template Examples

This paper explains how to define content types and content templates that will add your custom choices to the webAF New File Wizard. This is very useful if you have additional file types or "boilerplate" file content that you frequently need to add to Web application projects.

Before examining how to create a template, this article looks at how the new choices you can define will appear in the wizard.

How Custom Templates Change The New File Wizard

Once you have defined a template, the custom choices will be visible when you choose File [arrow] New for a Web application project in webAF. The new file type(s) you define will be added to the list of predefined file types. For example, this wizard page shows two new custom types that are not included in the default list ("Java Properties file" and "XSLT File"):

New wizard

After selecting "Java Properties file" and specifying the new file name, the initial content choices are shown for the selected custom file type:

WebApp Project wizard

In this example, there are two custom initial content choices for the selected file type of "Java Properties file", but the content template can specify as many choices as you wish. After selecting a choice and completing the wizard, a new file with the specified initial content will be added to the project and displayed in the editor window:

Editor window

So how do you define a new file template? Typically, you will create an XML file that defines what will be shown in the New File Wizard, and what the initial content of the file should be, based on the choices made in the wizard.

Before looking at the XML file that defines the new file types and initial content templates for the example above, let's take a look at a "quick start" method for defining new file content that does not require any XML.

Quick Start - Adding New Content Templates For Existing Types

If you have one (or more) existing files for one of the predefined file types (listed in the table below) that you would like to use as a template for new files created by the wizard, here's a quick way to do it that does not require XML.

For example, suppose you have a JSP file that contains boilerplate JSP code that you frequently need when starting to edit a new JSP page. To make a file available to the webAF New File Wizard as a source for new JSP file content, for all Web application projects, simply perform these two steps:

  1. Copy the file (the boilerplate JSP file for this example) to this directory:

    <ADS install>\webAF\Master\webapps\content_templates

    Note: Throughout this article, <ADS install> stands for the installation path for SAS AppDev Studio.

  2. Rename the file to a file name with the following form:

    <template name>.<type name>.tmpl

    Here <template name> is the name you want to appear in the wizard list box of templates, with "_" characters where blanks should appear. The <type name> is the name of the predefined type, from the table below:

    Type shown in wizard Type nameSample template file name format
    Cascading Style SheetcssMy_Styles.css.tmpl
    HTML PagehtmlCustomer.html.tmpl
    Java Source
    SCL FilesclTrial_Results.scl.tmpl
    Text FiletextBug_Report_Form.text.tmpl
    XML FilexmlVendor.xml.tmpl
    XSL FilexslXSLT_Header.xsl.tmpl

    So for our example, you might rename the file to:


The file is now available as a template for the webAF new file wizard. To see it in action, with any Web application project open, choose File {arrow] New. In the wizard, pick the file type you specified ("JSP file" for this example) and click Next.

The new choice now appears in the wizard:

WebApp Project wizard

Select this choice, complete the wizard, and a new file will be added to the project, that contains a copy of the content that is in your file.

You can limit availability of a template file to a certain project, instead of being available when you create a new file in any project. To do this, put the template file in the content_templates directory under the project directory instead of under ...\webAF\Master\webapps\content_templates.

Although defining content templates is easy with this method, it is not viable for defining new file types, and does not allow much control over what is displayed in the wizard (such as a more informative description). An XML template file will serve these needs.

Anatomy of a Sample XML Template File

Now let's go back to the original example above, that defines two new file types (Java properties file and XSLT file), with initial content templates for each. How is this example defined?

The templates for the example are defined in a single XML file that specifies two custom file types, and the initial content choices for each of these types. Using an XML file not only lets you define new file types, but also gives you greater control over what is displayed in the New File Wizard, and how the user is permitted to interact with the wizard.

New file templates can be made available to all Web application projects, or you can limit availability to a certain Web application project, or to only Web applications that have a certain option selected. For our example, the two new custom file types are made available to all Web application projects, by creating our XML file here:

<ADS install>\webAF\Master\webapps\content_templates\user_templates.xml

This file defines our two example content types, and the content template choices for each of the two types:

   <content-type name="PropertiesFile"
      listName="Java Properties file"
      description="java.util.Properties text file"
      <content-template name="EmptyProperties"
         listname="Simple properties file"
         description="Contains comment and one key=value line"
      <content-template name="DefaultProperties"
         listname="Default GUI properties"
         description="Default settings for graphic items"

   <content-type name="XSLT"
      listName="XSLT file"
      Description="XSLT Stylesheet"
      <content-template name="Minimal"
         listname="Minimal XSLT"
         description="Minimal boilerplate XSLT stylesheet with xml and stylesheet tags"

&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
&lt;xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=">


The tag names and attributes are described in more detail later, but for now, here are the main things to notice about the example user_templates.xml file:

  1. The root element, <content-types>, contains two <content-type> child tags. The first defines the file type listed as "Java Properties file" in the New File Wizard, and the second defines the file type listed as "XSLT file".

  2. The listName attribute of each <content-type> specifies what will be added to the list of file types in the wizard. The description attribute specifies the corresponding description that is displayed when this content type is selected in the wizard. The name attribute is a required, unique identifier.

  3. Each <content-type> in turn has one or more child <content-template> elements, which specify all the choices that will appear on the next wizard page. This wizard page will be dynamically constructed and will list only your custom choices for initial file content for the selected custom file type. In the example, the "Java Properties file" type has two choices, that will be shown in the wizard list box as "Simple properties file" and "Default GUI properties". The "XSLT Stylesheet" type has only a single initial content template choice, "Minimal XSLT". Again, the listname and description attributes specify what will appear in the wizard page, and the name attribute is a unique identifier.

  4. Each <content-template> tag contains a child <content> element, which specifies what the newly-created file should contain. In the example, this content is specified by two different methods. The first method specifies a source file name that will be copied (and renamed) when the wizard completes. Each of the two <content-template> tags for "Java Properties file" uses this method. As specified in the example, the wizard will copy one or the other of the following two files, depending on which content is selected:

    <ADS install>\webAF\Master\webapps\content_templates\MyCompany\
    <ADS install>\webAF\Master\webapps\content_templates\MyCompany\

  5. The second method is used by the <content> child tag of the single <content-template> for "XSLT file". It specifies the initial file content directly in the template instead of indirectly in a separate file. This is indicated by the contentType="text" attribute (as opposed to contentType="file"). Note that text content specified directly in user_templates.xml must have the reserved XML characters "escaped" to the equivalent entity reference, in order to avoid confusing the XML parser.

    XML Reserved Character Entity Reference

  6. Note that tag and attribute names for new file templates in webAF are not case sensitive, so the attribute Description="XSLT Stylesheet" in the example is acceptable.

How the New File Wizard "Discovers" New File Templates

The New File Wizard uses a discovery process to locate and process custom choices to be added to the wizard pages. The set of content type and content template choices displayed will include:

Directories Where webAF Discovers New File Templates

To locate new file templates, webAF searches all subdirectories named content_templates under these directories:

In the tables above, "content_templates Predefined?" is "Yes" if the content_templates subdirectory already exists after completing the standard SAS AppDev Studio install.

File Names For New File Template Discovery

When webAF locates a directory named content_templates in a location given above, it discovers new file templates by trying to perform all these steps in this order:

  1. Parsing the templates.xml file (for predefined templates installed by SAS AppDev Studio only)
  2. Parsing the user_templates.xml file (for user-defined new file templates)
  3. Parsing any file with a name of the form user_templates*.xml (for additional user-defined new file templates)
  4. Creating a default new file template for every file that conforms to the automatic template file naming convention (for example My_Boilerplate.jsp.tmpl).

Any or all of these steps can be used in a given content_templates directory. Each new file template should have a unique name attribute. If a duplicate name is encountered, the first occurrence is the only one used.

Structure of a New File Template XML File

Once the webAF New File Wizard has discovered a properly-named XML file in one of the qualifying directory locations as described above, the file will be parsed to create internal objects corresponding to various elements of the XML file, and setting properties corresponding to the specified attributes. These objects are then used to dynamically modify the content and sequence of pages displayed in the wizard, and to govern the file creation process when the wizard is successfully completed.

The two most important elements in the XML file are <content-type> and <content-template>. Each <content-type> describes one choice that will be added to the list of predefined file types in the New File Wizard. Each <content-template> child element describes one new choice that will appear in a wizard page which lists the initial content choices for the selected file type. This page appears when you choose a new file type and click Next.

This is the basic syntax for the new file template XML file (for example, user_templates.xml):

        <content-type ... >
            <type elements ... />
            <content-template ... >
                <template elements .../>
            <content-template ... >
                <template elements .../>
        <content-type ... >
            <type elements ... />
            <content-template ... >
                <template elements .../>

Most of the time, you will use element attributes to set the properties for the content type and content template. Alternatively you might want to use sub-elements (represented by <type elements ... /> and <template elements .../> above) to set certain properties. This will be described later in the Child Element section. First, the attributes that are available will be introduced. For example, the XML snippet below shows how to set the name and description properties for the new file type:

        <content-type name="MyFileType" description="Magic information file" ... >

Content Type and Content Template Attributes

The New File Wizard manages new file templates by using internal objects corresponding to the <content-type> and <content-template> tags defined in the XML file. The tables below show the available attribute names that can be specified. Note that only the name and contentIsRelativeTo attributes are required; all other attributes have a default value.

Attributes for the <content-type> Tag

AttributeDescription / ExampleDefault Value
name Unique identifier for this content type. Uniqueness is case insensitive.
Example: name="MyCompany_HTML"
None - must be specified
listName String displayed in the New File Wizard page type selection list.
Example: listName="Java properties file"
Same as name value with '_' characters replaced with spaces
description String displayed in the wizard page description area when this type is selected.
Example: description="HTML file with standard corporate boilerplate."
"Create <name> file."
See note 1
String displayed in the wizard File name text box when this type is selected.
Example: defaultContentName="index.html"
See note 1
Absolute or relative path for target location. If relative, then contentIsRelativeTo specifies what it is relative to. This value is converted to a full path before being displayed in the Base location text box of the wizard.
Example: defaultContentLocation="WEB-INF\classes\misc"
Empty relative path
See note 1
String used as the default Java package name.
Example: defaultPackage="com.mycompany.spiffy"
See note 1
Either webapp or project. When a relative path is specified for defaultContentLocation, specifies where the relative path is rooted. Warning: Failure to specify this required attribute may result in a runtime error (such as a null pointer exception) that might be hard to diagnose.
Example: contentIsRelativeTo="webapp"
None - must be specified
See note 1
Either true or false. If true, the Java package text box in the wizard will be enabled.
Example: packageUsed="true"
See note 1
String specifying the default file extension, without the "." delimiter. If specified, then the extension will be appended to the file name if the name does not include an extension.
Example: defaultExtension="html"
No extension
See note 1
Either true or false. If true, then a "." and the defaultExtension value will always be appended to the name, even if the file name already contains a ".". If false, then the "." and extension will only be appended if the name does not contain ".".
Example: defaultExtensionRequired="false"
typeTitle String to be used as the caption (window title) of the wizard page that will display content template choices for this type.
Example: typeTitle="MyCompany HTML Initial Content"
"Select <name> file Template"
typeDescription String to be used as a prompt above the list box of the wizard page that will display content template choices for this type.
Example: typeTitle="Choose initial file content:"
"Specify the desired <name> file template"

Note for table above:

  1. This attribute can also be specified on the <content-template> element. An example and important restrictions are given in a later section.

After a discovered new file type is selected from the wizard, a new page will automatically be displayed in the wizard which lists all the template choices for that file type. The following table defines the attributes that you can set for each <content-template> tag under a <content-type> tag.

Attributes for the <content-template> Tag

AttributeDescription / ExampleDefault Value
name Unique identifier for this content template. Uniqueness is case insensitive.
Example: name="Standard_Includes"
None - must be specified
listName String displayed in the new file wizard page template selection list.
Example: listName="Headers only"
Same as name value with '_' characters replaced with spaces
description String displayed in the wizard page description area when this template is selected.
Example: description="Boilerplate customer web site page header per corporate guidelines"
"Create <name> file."
contentType Must be text, file or filelist, to specify the source of the file content to be copied. If text, then the content attribute itself (or the <content> child element) contains the initial file content. If file, then the content attribute specifies a relative or absolute path name for a file to be copied. If filelist, then content contains a delimited list of files (See Creating Multiple Files From One Template for the required format).
Example: contentType="file"
content String representing the content for the new file when this template is selected. This string will be interpreted by webAF as specified by the contentType attribute.
Example: content="MyCompany\StandardHeaders.html"

The <content> Tag and Other Child Elements

Sometimes it is awkward to set a content type property or content template property by using an attribute. For example, you might want to specify the content property of the content template, but the initial content contains several lines. You could put the initial content in a separate file and set contentType="file", but an alternative is to use the <content> child element of <content-template>, embedding the initial content text lines directly in the XML template file. For example:

   <content-type name="XSLT" listName="XSLT file" Description="XSLT Stylesheet"
         defaultContentName="sheet" defaultExtension="xsl">
      <content-template name="Minimal" listname="Minimal XSLT"
         description="Minimal XSLT stylesheet with xml and stylesheet tags"

&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>
&lt;xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">


When this template is selected in the wizard, webAF will populate the newly-created file with these three lines of text:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">

One drawback of using this method (versus using an external file) is that the two reserved XML characters must be replaced by their respective entity references in the XML file, as shown above.

Only a single <content> element can be defined for each <content-template>. You cannot create multiple files by adding additional <content> child elements. The later section Creating Multiple Files From One Template will explain how to correctly create multiple files from a single content template choice.

Another consideration is that all leading and trailing white space (blanks, tabs and <EOL> characters) will be trimmed from the text. This will be a problem if you want your new file to contain text that does not start in column one of the first line. An alternative syntax that solves this problem will be described shortly.

Property Names as Child Elements

The content child tag is just one case of the general rule that properties of content type and content template objects can be set from the XML file using either an attribute of the element or by a child element with the same tag name as the property.

For example, you might wish to define a lengthy template description using a child tag instead of an attribute:

   <content-type ... >
      <description value="My Content Type"/>
      <content-template ... >
            JSP with site headers, boilerplate data-entry form in 2-column table

Note that the text between the start and end tag of a child element having a tag name that is the same as the property will have all leading and trailing white space removed when webAF parses the file.

Keeping White Space Using An Alternative Child Tag Name

A third method for specifying properties for content types and content templates is to use child tags named in one of these two forms, as appropriate:


For example, to set the description property of the content template object, you would use <content-template-description>.

Text sandwiched between child begin and end tags of this form will have leading white space up to and including the first <EOL> and white space following but excluding the last <EOL> removed. An example where this might be useful is if you want the initial content of the file to include one or more empty lines at the top of the file:

   <content-type ... >
      <description value="My Content Type"/>
      <content-template ... >

   // This line will start in column 4 and have 2 empty lines above it


Instead of putting text between the start and end tags, you can also use the value attribute to set a property using child tag names in this form.

Adding Content Templates To Pre-defined File Types

In the Quick-Start section above, you learned how you can add a new content template for one of the predefined file types by just naming the source file with the appropriate convention. You can also add new template content to a predefined file type using an XML file such as user_templates.xml. This method will let you control what is displayed in the wizard's description box for the content template.

To add a new content template to an existing content type, just specify the name attribute of the content-type to be one of the predefined names given in the Type Name Table above. The following example shows how to add another choice to the list of content templates for the pre-defined file type "HTML Page". As installed by SAS AppDev Studio, there is only one choice, "Blank HTML Page". The following user_templates.xml file will add a new choice to the list, "HTML with boilerplate":

   <content-type name="HTML">
      <content-template name="CompanyHTML"
         listname="HTML with boilerplate"
         description="Boilerplate HTML for header and body"

Notice that the only attribute specified for <content-type> is the name. You cannot change the displayed description for the pre-defined file type HTML. But of course you can specify attributes for list name and description for the new file content choice you are adding in the <content-template> tag. Naturally to get the example above to work, the file

<ADS install>\webAF\Master\webapps\content_templates\MyCompany\publicHtml.htm

must exist and contain the initial file content you want.

Property Substitution During File Creation

When the New File Wizard completes, it creates the target new file by reading the content (specified by the content template) and writing it to the new file. During this process, webAF will replace certain placeholders in the text with corresponding property name values. To enable substitution, include a placeholder with this syntax in the content:

$WEBAF{property name}

Here property name is one of the predefined property names in the table below:

Property nameDescription / Example value File name as entered by the user in the wizard, including any user-specified extension but excluding any default extension.
Example: File name as entered by the user in the wizard but with any user-added extension removed.
Example: PopDownAdapter
content.package Java package as entered by the user in the wizard.
Example: com.mycompany.greatstuff
package.statement A Java package statement corresponding to the Java package entered by the user in the wizard, including an end-of-line character. If no package was entered, this property will contain an empty string.
Example: package com.mycompany.greatstuff;
content.package.path Path name corresponding to the Java package as entered by the user in the wizard, including a trailing File.separator.
Example: com\mycompany\greatstuff\
content.class A qualified Java class name corresponding to the package and file name entered by the user in the wizard.
Example: com.mycompany.greatstuff.PopDownAdapter"
content.local.path The local path name for the created file, including the file name and extension.
Example: \WEB-INF\classes\
content.local.url The local URL for the created file, including the file name and extension.
Example: /WEB-INF/classes/
content.relative.url The relative URL for the created file, excluding the file name and extension.
Example: WEB-INF\classes
content.local.dir The local directory for the created file, excluding the file name.
Example: \WEB-INF\classes
content.relative.dir The relative directory for the created file, excluding the file name.
Example: WEB-INF\classes
tag.libraries Declarations for all tag libraries that were selected from the Web application template choices and options for the project. Tag libraries that aren't known to the Web application Project Wizard, or that were manually added to the Web application are not included.
Example: <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="sas" %>

Defining Your Own Properties for Substitution

You can also define your own key-value pairs in the XML template that will trigger replacement of placeholders when the new file is created. This is the syntax needed to accomplish this:

    <content-type ... >
        <content-template ... >
            <template-properties type="user">
                <property name=""
                         value="My property value"/>
                <property name="">
kept-white-spaceMy other property value

To enable a user-defined substitution, include a placeholder with this syntax in the content:

$USER{property name}

As a simple example, the following XML template defines a content template that will create a new Java file. This file will contain a package statement that substitutes the package name entered in the wizard, and a couple of import statements based on a user-defined property:

   <content-type name="Java">
      <content-template name="MyJava"
         listName="Java package and imports">
            Skeletal Java source w/ package stmt and my imports
         <template-properties type="user">
            <property name="my.imports">
import java.util.ArrayList;

To see how this works, after this user_templates.xml file is saved, start the New File Wizard and choose a content type of "Java source file". Enter a file name of "" with a package name of "com.mycompany.mystuff". Click Next and select "Java package and imports" from the template list. When the wizard completes, webAF will display the Java source file with the substitutions completed:

Editor window

Reusing Property Value Strings

If you have a particular value that you want to use with multiple content types or templates, there is a way to declare a common string that can be referenced in multiple locations. First you will associate the value with a key name, using one of the two syntax forms in the following XML snippet:

        <string key="name" value="common string"/>
        <string key="name">
            common string

The <strings> element can appear as a child element of the <content-types>, <content-type>, or <content-template> elements. White space up to and including the first EOL will be trimmed from the string.

To reference a declared string, use a stringKey attribute giving the key name, as illustrated in this example:

            <string key="type.desc" value="My Content Type"/>
            <string key="tmpl.desc" value="My Content Template"/>
        <content-type ... >
            <description stringKey="type.desc"/>
            <content-template ... >
                <description stringKey="tmpl.desc"/>

Declared strings can be used anywhere within the parent element that holds the <strings> element. If there are multiple strings declared with the same key value, the one from the closest parent will be used.

Creating Multiple Files From One Template

Sometimes when creating a new file, you might want to also create a separate, related file with a different name or directory location. This can be accomplished using the contentType="filelist" attribute on the <content-template> element. In this case, the wizard will let the user choose a file name, package and location for one of the files, and the remaining file name(s) can be derived from the information provided by the user.

The main differences when creating multiple files from a single content template are these:

  1. Specify contentType="filelist" for the <content-type> tag.

  2. The <content> sub-element of <content-template> should contain a comma-delimited list of file items. Each of these file items consists of a source pathname and a destination pathname, delimited by a "|" (vertical bar) character.

  3. Each file item destination path should start with either a ${webapp} or a ${project} placeholder to indicate where it should be rooted.

  4. Each file item destination path can optionally contain the following placeholders, which will be replaced with the values the user supplies in the wizard:
    Placeholder Description
    ${name} User-supplied file name as entered in the wizard
    ${basename} User-supplied file name as entered in the wizard, without the extension (if any)
    ${package} User-supplied package name as entered in the wizard, with periods replaced by File.separator characters ("\" or "/"), plus a trailing File.separator character.

  5. The last file item in the list will be the one used to derive the browser startup URL (only applies when creating a new Web application project).

  6. The contentIsRelativeTo attribute should be explicitly specified for the <content-type> element. This does not apply when using a pre-defined template type (such as "HTML Page" or "JSP File").

For example, suppose you wished to define a new content template that would show an option of "HTML with external CSS" when the predefined content type "HTML Page" is selected in the New File Wizard. When the wizard completes, you want the wizard to create two files:

Suppose further that you want the HTML page to automatically construct the necessary link in the header to the style sheet. For simplicity, assume that both files will be created in the Web application base directory.

These steps will create the two sample source files and the user_templates.xml file needed to accomplish these requirements for this example:

  1. Create the source style sheet. The sample CSS source file below has this pathname:
    <style type="text/css">
       body {
          font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
          font-size: 10pt;
          font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
          font-size: 14pt;
          font-weight: bold;
          font-style: italic;
          margin-top: 8px;
       .pageHead {
          font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
          font-size: 16pt;
          font-weight: bold;
          margin-top: 4px;
  2. Create the source HTML file with a placeholder in the link to the CSS file. The sample source file below has this pathname:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
      <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
      <link href="$WEBAF{}.css" rel="styleSheet" type="text/css">
      <title>Your Page Title Here</title>
      <script type="text/javascript">
        // Your Javascript code here
      <h1 class="pageHead">Your Page Title Here</h1>
      Your page content here.
  3. Create (or add to) the template file, specifying the file list. The sample XML file below has this pathname:
       <content-type name="HTML">
          <content-template name="HTML_CSS"
             listname="HTML with external CSS"
             description="Boilerplate HTML plus style sheet file"

After these steps are completed, if you select an "HTML Page" file type in the New File Wizard, specifying a name of "MyPage.html", and then choose the new content template choice of "HTML with external CSS", webAF will construct the files MyPage.html and MyPage.css. The HTML file will contain the link to the css file:

Editor window

Making Defaults Vary With Content Template

The New File wizard proposes a default file name and extension defined according to the specification for the <content-type>. But what if you want different default file extensions depending on which <content-template> the user selects? For example, for a file type of "Text file", you might want a default extension of "txt" for one initial content choice, but an extension of "dat" for another. The following example user_templates.xml file illustrates how this can be accomplished:

   <content-type name="text">
      <content-template name="dat_file"
         listname="Partner dat file"
         description="Text file with .dat extension and corporate partner default content"
      <content-template name="server_bat_file"
         listname="Server-starting .bat file"
         description="Batch file to start standard servers"
@echo off
cd /d "C:\Program Files\MyCompany\Servers\MiscServer"
echo Starting Misc server...
start/min "MiscServer" "C:\servers\miscserver" -stdaccess "localhost"

With this template defined, when File [arrow] New is selected in webAF and "Text File" is selected as the file type, the Name, Package name and Location text boxes will be disabled in the wizard.

New window

When Next is clicked, these fields will instead be displayed on the wizard page for content template selection:

WebApp Project Wizard

Since "Partner dat file" is the selected content template, "MonthlyReturns.dat" is proposed as the default file name. If "Server-starting .bat file" had been chosen instead, then "StartServers.bat" would have been shown as the default file name instead.

The reason that the file name field entry is postponed until the content template page of the wizard is that the defaultContentName, defaultExtension and defaultContentLocation attributes are specified for the <content-template> element, instead of the <content-type> element where they have appeared in other examples. If any of these attributes are specified on any of the <content-template> tags for the chosen <content-type>, then the Name, Package and Location fields of the wizard will all be postponed until the page for content template selection.

Restricting Templates to Certain Web Application Types or Options

Sometimes you might want to display a content type choice, or certain content template choices, only when the Web application project was created with a certain web application template (for example, SAS Taglib Web Application), or with a certain option selected (for example, Struts Tag Library). This can be accomplished by placing your new file template in one of the subdirectory locations listed in the directory discovery section above.

For example, suppose you wished to provide a content template for a JSP file containing some custom boilerplate code, but this choice should only be available to Web application projects that include the JSTL library option. This can be accomplished with these steps:

  1. Create the following new subdirectory, which is not included in the standard SAS AppDev Studio install:

    <ADS install>\webAF\Master\webapps\options\JSPStandardTaglib\content_templates

  2. Save a text file containing the source custom JSTL content. For our example, this is the file name and location that were used, relative to the subdirectory above:


  3. Save the user_templates.xml file shown below in the subdirectory created in step 1 above.
   <content-type name="JSP">
      <content-template name="Custom_JSTL"
         listname="JSP with custom JSTL"
         description="JSP file including my custom JSTL boilerplate code"

Saving the user_templates.xml file in the ...\options\JSPStandardTaglib\content_templates directory ensures that it will only be "discovered" by the webAF New File Wizard if the Web application includes the JSP Standard Template Library.

Changing the Predefined Templates

The examples thus far have focused on ways to augment the pre-defined file types and content types displayed in the New File Wizard. You can also modify most of the pre-defined content types and content templates.

This XML file defines most of the pre-defined content types and content templates for Web application projects:

<ADS install>\webAF\Master\webapps\content_templates\templates.xml

If you examine this file, you will find it is very similar to the user_templates.xml examples discussed previously. In fact, it is processed in the same way, except that it supports localization (internationalization) of the text that appears in the wizard. The differences are described below:

  1. The first line of the file has some new attributes:

    <content-types resources="resources\"
    keyPostfix="@res" removePostfix="true"

    The resources attribute specifies the name of a Java Properties file that supplies key=value pairs to be substituted in the wizard.

    The keyPostfix attribute specifies a suffix that identifies placeholders in the templates.xml file that should be replaced with substitutions from the file.

    The removePostfix="true" attribute specifies that the suffix should be removed from the key string before performing the lookup in the file.

  2. Instead of having literal values throughout the templates.xml file, placeholder keys are specified instead. For example,


    When this attribute is encounted, CSSType.ListName.txt is used as the lookup key in the resources\ file, to find the actual string to be displayed. For an English language install of SAS AppDev Studio, this would be "Cascading Style Sheet".

  3. Instead of having a substitution placeholder such as $USER{package.statement} as described previously, the equivalent placeholder is $WEBAF{package.statement}. This is done so that any future webAF enhancement that might add additional predefined properties will not conflict with user-defined key names.

If you would like to change any of the predefined content types and templates, follow the steps below.

  1. If you already have a user_templates.xml file of additional content types and content templates, rename it to another name that will be discovered by the wizard, for example user_templates_more.xml.

  2. Rename the templates.xml file as templates.xml.standard. This will not be discovered by the wizard since it does not have an xml extension, but if you decide at a later time to restore the factory defaults, you can rename it back to templates.xml.

  3. Make a copy of templates.xml.standard as user_templates.xml, and make any needed changes to this file. This file will be discovered by the wizard, and if you subsequently install an upgrade to SAS AppDev Studio, it will not be over-written when an updated templates.xml is installed.

Troubleshooting Tips for Templates

Any error detected while processing an XML file will abort the discovery process for the directory containing the XML file. As a result, no file types will be displayed in the wizard. In particular, note that if an error is detected in <ADS install>\webAF\Master\webapps\content_templates\user_templates.xml, none of the predefined types (HTML, JSP, etc.) will appear in the wizard since they are discovered in this directory.

If you have modified an XML file and the choices disappear from the wizard, check the webAF Component Log for error messages.

The wizard makes an existence check for a file you specify as the content of the template (assuming fileType="file" is specified)., Therefore you can't "try out" adding a new template in the XML file to see how it looks in the wizard until you also create the source file specified.

If your content is specified directly in the XML template file instead of an external text file, don't forget to check for ampersand (&) and less-than (<) characters in your content, which must be converted to the equivalent entity references.

Remember that if you have a <content-type> tag with a name attribute that duplicates a previous tag or that duplicates one of the predefined name types, the attributes of the first tag will be used and conflicting attributes in later tags will be ignored. Remember too that webAF uses case-insensitive compares.

If a null pointer exception occurs during the execution of the New File Wizard, check to make sure you didn't forget to specify the required contentIsRelativeTo attribute on the <content-type> element.

Additional Template Examples

A sample XML template file that provides additional examples illustrating correct syntax is included with the standard install, and can be found here:

<ADS install>\webAF\Master\webapps\content_templates\user_templates.xml.sample

This file is organized in a tutorial fashion, with lots of explanatory comments. As you read it from top to bottom, the examples will become more complex. Please note however, that the template choices it creates are not intended to be useful in their own right, but simply to illustrate syntax.

To make the examples in the file visible to the New File Wizard, make a copy of this file and then rename the copy to user_templates_sample.xml, since this fulfills the naming requirements needed for discovery by webAF.

Note: Do not just rename the original user_templates.xml.sample file to user_templates_sample.xml. If you do so, it will fail and the wizard will not display any file type choices (because one of the example templates in the file uses a <content-template> attribute of content="user_templates.xml.sample", and that file no longer exists).

Note that several of the examples have exactly the same name attribute on the <content-type> tag, so only the first of the group with the same name will show up in the wizard. To see one of the latter templates that has a duplicate name, comment out the ones before it that have the same name.