What’s New in SAS/STAT 12.1
SAS/STAT 12.1 includes
four new procedures and many enhancements.
In previous years,
SAS/STAT® software
was updated only with new releases of Base SAS
® software,
but this is no longer the case. This means that
SAS/STAT software
can be released to customers when enhancements are ready, and the
goal is to update
SAS/STAT every 12 to 18 months. To mark this newfound
independence, the release numbering scheme for
SAS/STAT is changing
with this release. This new numbering scheme will be maintained when
new versions of Base SAS and
SAS/STAT ship at the same time. For example,
when Base SAS 9.4 is released,
SAS/STAT 13.1 will be released.
New Procedures
New Experimental ADAPTIVEREG Procedure
The ADAPTIVEREG procedure
fits multivariate adaptive regression splines. The method is a nonparametric
regression technique that combines both regression splines and model
selection methods. It constructs spline basis functions in an adaptive
way by automatically selecting appropriate knot values for different
variables. The procedure performs model reduction by applying model
selection techniques. Thus, the ADAPTIVEREG procedure is both a nonparametric
regression procedure and a predictive modeling procedure.
The ADAPTIVEREG procedure
supports models with classification variables, and it provides options
for improving modeling speed. PROC ADAPTIVEREG extends the method
to data with response variables that are distributed in the exponential
family, including the binomial, Poisson, negative binomial, gamma,
and inverse Gaussian distributions. PROC ADAPTIVEREG is multithreaded,
enabling it to take advantage of multiple processors.
New Experimental QUANTLIFE Procedure
The QUANTLIFE procedure
implements two quantile regression approaches that have been developed
to account for right-censoring and provide valid estimates. Portnoy
(2003) proposed a method to estimate conditional quantile functions
from survival data by generalizing the idea of the Kaplan-Meier estimator
of the survival function, and Peng and Huang (2008) developed a quantile
regression approach motivated by the Nelson-Aalen estimator of the
cumulative hazard function. Both methods are implemented with linear
programming algorithms in the QUANTLIFE procedure. Like the standard
quantile regression method for uncensored data, these two methods
are distribution-free and are applicable to heteroscedastic data.
The QUANTLIFE procedure
produces survival plots, conditional quantile plots, and quantile
process plots. It performs semiparametric quantile regression when
you specify spline effects. PROC QUANTLIFE takes advantage of parallel
computing when multiple processors are available.
New Experimental QUANTSELECT Procedure
The QUANTSELECT procedure
performs model selection for linear quantile regression. It provides
capabilities similar to those offered by the GLMSELECT procedure (provides
model selection for univariate linear models) including forward, backward,
stepwise, LASSO, and adaptive LASSO selection methods. You can specify
criteria such as AIC, SBC, AICC, adjusted R1, and significance levels
to compare the fit of models, to determine when to stop the model
selection process, and to choose the final selection model. The QUANTSELECT
procedure supports constructed effects (such as smoothing splines
and polynomials) and the SPLIT option for its CLASS statement. PROC
QUANTREG produces parameter estimates progression plots and a variety
of criterion progression plots.
constructed effects such as regression spline, and it enables you
to partition your data into training, validation, and testing roles.
It is also multithreaded so that it can take advantage of multiple
very efficient and can handle hundreds of variables and thousands
of observations.
New STDRATE Procedure
The STDRATE procedure
computes direct and indirect standardized rates and risks for study
populations. With direct standardization, you compute the weighted
average of stratum-specific estimates in the study population, using
weights such as population-time from a standard or reference population.
With indirect standardization, you compute the weighted average of
stratum-specific estimates in the reference population by using weights
from the study population. The procedure provides summary statistics
such as rate and risk estimates (and their confidence limits) for
each stratum, as well as graphs.
Highlights of Enhancements
The following are highlights
of other enhancements in
SAS/STAT 12.1:
The MCMC procedure now models missing
values by default. The RANDOM statement supports multilevel hierarchy
to an arbitrary depth. The procedure also implements faster and more
efficient sampling algorithms.
The PHREG procedure supports Bayesian
frailty models.
The FMM procedure for finite mixture
models is now production and adds several truncated distributions.
The LIFEREG and PROBIT procedures
include additional postprocessing statements. They now support the
The FREQ procedure produces mosaic
The SURVEYSELECT procedure provides
Poisson sampling.
The SURVEYMEANS procedure now performs
poststratification estimation.
procedures support the REF= option in the CLASS statement.
More information about
the changes and enhancements follows. Details can be found in the
documentation for the individual procedures in the
12.1 User’s Guide.
Highlights of Enhancements in SAS/STAT 9.3
Some users might be
unfamiliar with updates made in
SAS/STAT 9.3. The following are some
of the major enhancements that were introduced in
The experimental FMM procedure
fits statistical models to data where the distribution of the response
is a finite mixture of univariate distributions. These models are
useful for applications such as estimating multimodal or heavy-tailed
densities, fitting zero-inflated or hurdle models to count data with
excess zeros, modeling overdispersed data, and fitting regression
models with complex error distributions.
The EFFECT statement became production.
This statement is available in the HPMIXED, GLIMMIX, GLMSELECT, LOGISTIC,
The MCMC procedure added a RANDOM
statement, which simplifies the specification of hierarchical random-effects
models and significantly reduces simulation time while improving convergence.
The METHOD=FIML option in the CALIS
procedure became production. This option specifies the full information
maximum likelihood method.
The SURVEYPHREG procedure became
production and handles time-dependent covariates.
The HPMIXED procedure added a REPEATED
statement and additional covariance structures.
The MI procedure added fully conditional
specification methods for multiple imputation.
The NLIN procedure was updated
with features for diagnosing the nonlinear model fit.
New Macros
Bayesian Analysis Postprocessing Macros
Postprocessing macros
are now available in the SAS autocall library. These macros duplicate
the corresponding summary and diagnostic capabilities provided by
the MCMC procedure and can be used with any SAS data set that contains
posterior samples. These macros are documented with the MCMC procedure.
%CIF Macro
The %CIF macro implements
nonparametric methods for estimating cumulative incidence functions
with competing risks data. The macro can also be used to test the
hypothesis that cumulative incidence functions are identical across
groups. The %CIF macro is available from the SAS autocall library.
CALIS Procedure
The CALIS procedure
now provides the following features:
Residual analysis at the case level
or observation level is provided when you input raw data.
Robust estimation is now available.
You can request either direct robust estimation based on residual
weighting or two-stage robust estimation based on analyzing the robust
mean and covariance matrices.
The BASEFUNC= and BASEFIT= options
enable you to input the model fit information of the customized baseline
model of your choice. With this input information, PROC CALIS computes
various fit indices (mainly the incremental fit indices) based on
your customized model fit rather than the fit of the default uncorrelatedness
The CLUSTER option in
the EFFECTPLOT statement modifies the INTERACTION plot-type by displaying
the levels of the SLICEBY= effect in a side-by-side fashion. The CONNECT
option in the EFFECTPLOT statement modifies the BOX and INTERACTION
plot-types by connecting the predicted values with a line.
FMM Procedure
The FMM procedure is
now production and adds the truncated exponential, truncated lognormal,
truncated negative binomial, and truncated normal distributions.
FREQ Procedure
The Agresti-Caffo and
Miettinen-Nurminen confidence limits for the risk (proportion) difference
are now available, and any confidence limit type can now be displayed
in the risk difference plot. You can also request a continuity correction
for the Wilson confidence limits for a binomial proportion.
The PLCORR option in
the TEST statement produces Wald and likelihood ratio tests for the
polychoric correlation coefficient.
The new DF= chi-square
option specifies or adjusts the degrees of freedom for chi-square
tests. The TESTF= chi-square option now permits you to provide null
frequencies for a one-way chi-square test by using a secondary input
data set. Similarly, the TESTP= chi-square option now permits you
to provide null proportions by using a secondary input data set.
The LRCHISQ chi-square
option in the TABLES statement produces a likelihood ratio chi-square
test for one-way tables. This test can be based on a null hypothesis
of equal proportions, specified proportions, or specified frequencies.
The LRCHISQ option in the EXACT statement produces an exact likelihood
ratio chi-square test for one-way tables.
The EXACT statement
can now produce Barnard’s exact unconditional test for the
risk difference as well as an exact likelihood ratio goodness-of-fit
The MAXLEVELS=n option
in the TABLES statement specifies the maximum number of variable levels
to display in one-way frequency tables; it also applies to one-way
frequency plots.
option in the TABLES statement displays standardized residuals in
the CROSSLIST table for two-way crosstabulation.
Mosaic plots are now
produced with the PLOTS=MOSAICPLOT option. The GROUPBY= plot option
specifies the primary grouping for two-way frequency plots. The new
TWOWAY=CLUSTER plot option provides a cluster layout for two-way frequency
plots that are displayed as bar charts.
GLIMMIX Procedure
option applies the (prediction) standard error and degrees-of-freedom
correction that are detailed by Kenward and Roger (2009). This correction
further reduces the precision estimator bias for the fixed and random
effects under nonlinear covariance structures.
The odds ratio, relative
risk, and kappa plots now display the common (overall) statistic in
addition to the statistics for each two-way table (stratum).
LIFEREG Procedure
The LIFEREG procedure
now supports numerous postprocessing statements including the ESTIMATE,
LIFETEST Procedure
The LIFETEST procedure
now supports a WEIGHT statement. For survival plot enhancements, the
MAXLEN= option of the ATRISK option specifies a maximum number of
characters that can be used in displaying stratum labels, and the
OUTSIDE option of the ATRISK option specifies that the at-risk table
be drawn outside the plot area. If you assign a label to a strata
variable, that label is used in all tables and graphs.
LOESS Procedure
The LOESS procedure
now supports an OUTPUT statement.
LOGISTIC Procedure
partial proportional odds logistic regression with the UNEQUALSLOPES
option in the MODEL statement. The ESTIMATE, LSMEANS, LSMESTIMATE,
SLICE, and STORE statements can now be used for a stratified analysis.
The PCORR option in the MODEL statement computes the partial correlation
statistic for each model parameter (excluding the intercept).
The ID statement specifies
variables in the DATA= data set that are used for labeling ROC curves
and influence diagnostic plots.
The NLOPTIONS statement
controls the optimization process for conditional analyses (specified
with a STRATA statement) and for constrained optimization (specified
with the UNEQUALSLOPES option in the MODEL statement).
The EFFECTPLOT statement
and the PLOTS=EFFECT option have two new options for displaying plots
with a CLASS effect on the X axis. The CLUSTER option displays the
levels of the SLICEBY= effect in a side-by-side fashion. The CONNECT
option connects the predicted values with a line.
MCMC Procedure
The MCMC procedure provides
the following new capabilities:
The MODEL statement augments missing
values in the response variable by default. PROC MCMC treats missing
values as unknown parameters and incorporates the sampling of the
missing data as part of the Markov chain.
The RANDOM statement supports multilevel
hierarchical modeling to an arbitrary depth; a random effect can appear
in the distributional hierarchy of other random effects.
More distributions, such as multivariate
normal distribution with autoregressive structure, Poisson distribution,
and general distribution (for the construction of nonstandard distributions),
are made available for the RANDOM statement.
Direct sampling and more conjugate
sampling algorithms are available for all parameters in the model
(including model parameters, random-effects parameters, and missing
data variables) when appropriate.
A slice sampler is an alternative
sampling algorithm for both the model parameters and random-effects
MULTTEST Procedure
The ID statement names
one or more variables for identifying observations in the output and
in the plots. In addition, the MANHATTAN plot option generates a Manhattan
NLIN Procedure
The PROFILE statement
selects parameters for profiling for the assessment of their nonlinear
characteristics. It can also gauge the influence of each observation
on the selected parameters.
NPAR1WAY Procedure
The following options
are added to the PROC NPAR1WAY statement:
The DSCF option requests the Dwass,
Steel, Critchlow-Fligner multiple comparison procedure, which is based
on pairwise two-sample rankings.
The FP option requests the Fligner-Policello
test for two-sample data.
The ADJUST option adjusts for location
differences among classes before tests for scale differences are performed.
The REFCLASS= option of the HL
option specifies which of the two CLASS variable levels (samples)
to use as the reference class X for the location shift, Y-X.
ODS Graphics
You can use the new
ODS GRAPHICS statement option BYLINE=FOOTNOTE or BYLINE=TITLE to display
BY-group lines in a footnote or title in graphs.
PHREG Procedure
The DIST= option in
the RANDOM statement enables you to specify either a gamma or lognormal
distribution for the shared frailty. Bayesian frailty models are now
supported. The DISPERSIONPRIOR= option in the BAYES statement specifies
the prior distribution of the dispersion parameter.
Fleming-Harrington estimates
can be requested with the METHOD=FM option in the BASELINE statement
and in the OUTPUT statement. The DIRADJ option in the BASELINE statement
specifies direct adjusted survival curves.
POWER Procedure
You can specify the
multiple correlation between the tested predictor and the covariates
with the CORR= option in the LOGISTIC statement.
PROBIT Procedure
The PROBIT procedure
now supports numerous postprocessing statements including the ESTIMATE,
QUANTREG Procedure
The QUANTREG procedure
now supports the ESTIMATE statement. The EFFECT statement now supports
the effect-types COLLECTION, LAG, MULTIMEMBER, and POLYNOMIAL in addition
REG Procedure
The REG procedure creates
heat maps for residual and fit plots when the MAXPOINTS= threshold
is exceeded.
The STDI= option in
the OUTPUT statement specifies a variable to contain the estimates
of the standard errors of the individual predicted values.
option in the SAMPLESIZE statement specifies the number of events
from a fixed-sample study of survival data. There are two new INPUTEVENTS
options for the sample size computation: ACCRUAL= and LOSS=. The ACCRUAL=
option specifies the method for individual accrual. The LOSS= option
specifies the individual loss to follow-up in the sample size computation.
The STOP=BOTH option
in the DESIGN statement specifies the condition of early stopping
for the design. The new BETABOUNDARY=BINDING suboption computes the
Type I error probability with the acceptance boundary, and the new
BETABOUNDARY=NONBINDING suboption computes the Type I error probability
without the acceptance boundary.
SEQTEST Procedure
in the PROC SEQTEST statement specifies whether the

boundary is used in the computation of the Type
I error level

. The BETABOUNDARY=BINDING option computes the Type
I error probability with the

(acceptance) boundary, and the BETABOUNDARY=NONBINDING
suboption computes the Type I error probability without the

The SURVEYFREQ procedure
now produces mosaic plots for crosstabulation tables. The GROUPBY=
plot option specifies the primary grouping for two-way weighted frequency
You can now estimate
geometric means for finite populations with the GEOMEAN keyword in
the PROC SURVEYMEANS statement. The new POSTSTRATA statement provides
poststratification analysis.
options in the MODEL statement compute the ratio of two standard errors
for the regression coefficients and the ratio of two variances for
the regression coefficients, respectively.
The STB option in the
MODEL statement produces standardized regression coefficients.
The SURVEYSELECT procedure
now provides Bernoulli and Poisson sampling.
What’s Changed
What follows are changes
in software behavior from
SAS/STAT 9.3 to
SAS/STAT 12.1.
LIFETEST Procedure
If you assign a label
to a strata variable, the procedure now uses the label instead of
the variable name in all tables and graphs.
FREQ Procedure
The appearance of the
default bar chart for two-way frequency plots has changed. The row
level labels have been moved outside the plot so that the row grouping
appears less dominant.
For two-way dot plots
(TYPE=DOTPLOT) in nonstacked layouts, the default positions of the
row and column variables are reversed to group graph cells by the
column variable. You can specify GROUPBY=ROW to group graph cells
by the row variable.
MCMC Procedure
Random-effects parameter
names are constructed using the formatted values rather than the unformatted
If the MISSING= option
is not specified, PROC MCMC samples all missing values (including
partial missing in some cases) by default. Observations for which
the procedure failed to identify proper sampling algorithms are discarded
prior to the simulation. If the MISSING= option is explicitly specified
(AC or CC), the option is honored.
PROC MCMC avoids performing
an optimization prior to the start of the simulation if the only sampling
algorithms used in the program are conjugate or direct.
PROC MCMC now permits
a model specification that has only RANDOM and MODEL statements; PRIOR
and PARMS statements are no longer required in that case.
MULTTEST Procedure
By default, the AFDR
and PFDR are constrained to be greater than or equal to the raw p-value.
The UNRESTRICT option of the PROC MULTTEST statement’s AFDR
and PFDR options estimates the AFDR and PFDR as defined in Benjamini
and Hochberg (2000), which allows the adjustment to reduce the raw
uses the Mersenne-Twister random number generator by default. In previous
releases, PROC SURVEYSELECT used the RANUNI random number generator.
To reproduce samples that PROC SURVEYSELECT selected in releases prior
SAS/STAT 12.1, you can use the RANUNI option with the SEED= option
(for the same input data set and selection parameters).
PCs running Windows
64-bit operating systems can now allocate more than 2Gb of memory
to fit a model. This change affects the GLIMMIX, GLM, HPMIXED, and
MIXED procedures.
Benjamini, Y. and Hochberg, Y.
(2000), “On the Adaptive Control of the False Discovery Rate
in Multiple Testing with Independent Statistics,” Journal of
Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 25, 60–83.
Kenward, M. G. and Roger,
J. H. (2009), “An Improved Approximation to the Precision
of Fixed Effects from Restricted Maximum Likelihood,” Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, 2583–2595.
Peng, L. and Huang, Y. (2008),
“Survival Analysis with Quantile Regression Models,”
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103, 637–649.
Portnoy, S. (2003), “Censored
Regression Quantiles,” Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 98, 1001–1012.
Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.