What's New in SAS Sentiment Analysis 1.3

SAS Sentiment Analysis Studio


New and enhanced features in SAS Sentiment Analysis Studio include the following:
  • improved user interface
  • rule enhancements
  • additional languages
  • SAS licensing replaces the Teragram license

Improved User Interface

The following enhancements were made to the user interface:
  • The Set test configuration and Search rules buttons appear in the standard toolbar.
  • Polarity Keywords and Product tabs are merged into the Rule tab.
  • The Rule pane displays the Search Result, Syntax Errors, and Rule Evaluation Result tabs.
  • The Project Settings Dialog dialog box replaces the Preferences Wizard. You can specify the settings for your rule-based and statistical models separately.

Rule Enhancements

The following enhancements were made to the rules:
  • Positive and negative rules are now weighted the same. By default, the Relative weight of positive rules in rule-based model is set to 100% in the Set Test Configuration window.
    Note: At this time, changing this setting has no effect on sentiment scores.
  • In-place editing enables you to edit your rules in the Body field using the operations that are available in a drop-down menu.
  • Use the Search Rules dialog box to locate matching terms in your rules. See the results in the Search Result pane in the Rule pane.
  • Syntax checking occurs automatically when you either edit a rule or build a model.
  • Specify the coreference operator ( _ref ) for pronoun resolution. In other words, when a pronoun or another word refers to the canonical form for a term, return the canonical form.
  • Define rules that limit matches to the specified XML fields.
  • Use the Rule Editor window to edit your rules in tree format. Other editing operations are also available in menu format when you right-click on a rule.
  • Specify and reference intermediate entities (concepts) in your rules. Intermediate concepts can be referenced by other concepts to shorten the rule-writing process. This feature enables you to write once and reference multiple times.
  • Append an at sign ( @ ) to your rules to make morphological expansion possible.
  • Use the Set Test Configuration dialog box to specify the model settings for the testing operation.

Additional Languages

The following languages have been added: Czech, Danish, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, and Farsi (beta version).


SAS licensing replaces the Teragram License. For more information, see SAS Sentiment Analysis Studio: Installation Guide.

SAS Sentiment Analysis Server


New and enhanced features in SAS Sentiment Analysis Server include the following:
  • improved logging mechanism
  • SAS licensing replaces the Teragram license


Control the size and number of the logging files.


SAS licensing replaces the Teragram license.