What's New in SAS 9.3 Companion for z/OS
SAS for
z/OS has added
the following new and enhanced features:
new support for symbolic references
in SAS configuration files and SASRX configuration files
new tree nodes and commands for
Explorer window
new support for SAS Data Location
Assist for
new LOGGER switch option for SASRX
new 64-Bit SAS Metadata Server
enhanced support for
z/OS Extended
Addressability Volumes
SAS for
z/OS has enhanced
the following language elements:
FILECLOSE data set option
SAS for
z/OS has added
the following new system options:
SAS Software Enhancements
The following software
enhancements have been made to SAS for
Format of a Configuration File's
has added information
that option values in SAS configuration files can contain symbolic
Explorer Window
has added the following
USS Home Directory and
z/OS Data
Sets nodes on the tree view
DSLIST and UDLIST commands to open
windows that display lists of native
z/OS data sets and UFS files.
SAS Data Location Assist for z/OS
enables you to use
the flexibility of the SAS DATA step to gather information about attributes
for data sets that reside throughout your operating system.
SASRX Switch Options
has added the LOGGER
option, which enables you to use the UNIX logger
command to write error messages and output of the TRACE option to
the system console.
64-Bit SAS Metadata Server
enables support for
much larger amounts of metadata because of exploitation of the hardware's
64-bit memory addressing capability.
Extended Addressability Volumes
SAS support for z/OS
Extended Addressability Volumes (EAV) enables the following functionality:
z/OS V1R2, SAS can process
direct access bound libraries that reside in the extended address
space of an EAV.
z/OS V1R11 and subsequent
releases, SAS supports the EATTR option on the FILENAME and LIBNAME
statements. This option enables SAS to create new files and library
data sets with extended attributes so that they can reside in the
extended address space of an EAV.
SASRX Configuration File Options
can contain symbolic
references that can be resolved from values that are specified with
Enhanced SAS Data Set Options
FILECLOSE= data set option is now supported on
z/OS. FILECLOSE= supports
the V5TAPE, V6TAPE, and V9TAPE engines. The default value for FILECLOSE=
is the current setting of the TAPECLOSE system option, and you can
specify the FREE value for FILECLOSE=.
Enhanced SAS Procedures
The following SAS procedures
have been enhanced:
has methods specific
to z/OS for controlling the amount of memory that it uses.
can be used only to
release all unused space for extended format sequential data sets
and data sets residing in Extended Addressing Space on Extended Address
Volumes. No options can be specified on the PROC RELEASE invocation
for these data set types.
The LEAVE option of
PROC SORT applies only if SORTSIZE=SIZE is specified.
truncates records from
an INDD if they are larger than the OUTDD LRECL. To avoid truncation,
specify an OUTDD LRECL that is equal to or greater than the INDD LRECL
Enhanced SAS Statements
The following SAS statements
have been enhanced:
FILE statement
has added the following
standard host options:
specifies that a data set should be opened in RLS
specifies the read integrity level to be applied
to an RLS data set.
indicates that a message should be written to the
SAS log that indicates the filename, function requested, return code,
and reason code after each VSAM system request (for example, GET,
POINT, PUT) until the number specified by nnnn is exceeded.
FILENAME statement
has the following enhancements:
enables the specification of DATACLAS
values that begin with national characters such as @, #, and $.
supports the AVGREC option, which
can be used only when the unit of space subparameter of the SPACE
option is a number, which indicates an average record length.
supports the EATTR option, which
specifies whether a sequential data set can have extended attribute
DSCBs. The EATTR option can also specify whether a sequential data
set can reside in extended addressing space (EAS).
LIBNAME statement
has the following enhancements:
enables the specification of DATACLAS
values that begin with national characters such as @, #, and $.
supports the AVGREC option, which
can be used only when the unit of space subparameter of the SPACE
option is a number, which indicates an average record length.
supports the EATTR option, which
specifies whether a sequential data set can have extended attribute
DSCBs. The EATTR option can also specify whether a sequential data
set can reside in extended addressing space (EAS).
Enhanced SAS System Options
The following SAS system
options have been enhanced or changed:
ALTLOG system option
enables you to control
when log copies are opened and closed, and how they are named based
on real-time events such as time, month, and day of the week.
APPEND system option
has the following enhancements:
valid in the OPTIONS statement
and the
OPTIONS window.
supports inserting the AUTOEXEC
and SET system options.
APPLETLOC system option
specifies the location
of Java applets.
EMAILSYS system option
is valid in the OPTIONS
statement and the OPTIONS window.
FILESYNC system option
has a new SAVE argument,
which specifies that the buffers are written to disk when the SAS
file is saved
The HOST_PIXEL argument
of the FONTRENDERING option is not supported on z/OS. If HOST_PIXELS
is specified, SAS uses FREETYPE_POINTS as the value for this option.
INSERT system option
has the following enhancements:
valid in the OPTIONS statement
and the
OPTIONS window.
supports inserting the AUTOEXEC
system option.
MSGCASE system option
is supported in the
national language support (NLS) formats.
UTILLOC system option
The debug_utilloc
command can determine whether the syntax of the UTILLOC system option
is valid.
New SAS System Options
The following SAS system
options are new:
CLIENTWORK system option
specifies dynamic allocation
options for creating client work libraries in a SAS server environment.
DLCREATEDIR system option
creates a directory
for a SAS library that is specified on a LIBNAME statement if the
directory does not exist.
FILETEMPDIR system option
specifies the parent
directory for FILENAME TEMPFILE.
specifies the rules
for naming SAS data sets, data views, and item stores.
Deprecated SAS System Options
The following SAS system
options have been deprecated:
Documentation Enhancements
SAS Windows and Commands
are now documented in the following three sections:
Windows in
z/OS Environments
Host-Specific Windows of the FORM
Host-Specific Window Commands
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