What's New

What's New in the Base SAS 9.2 Statistical Procedures

CORR Procedure

The new ID statement specifies one or more additional tip variables to identify observations in scatter plots and scatter plot matrices.

FREQ Procedure

The FREQ procedure can now produce frequency plots, cumulative frequency plots, deviation plots, odds ratio plots, and kappa plots by using ODS Graphics. The crosstabulation table now has an ODS template that you can customize with the TEMPLATE procedure. Equivalence and noninferiority tests are now available for the binomial proportion and the proportion difference. New confidence limits for the binomial proportion include Agresti-Coull, Jeffreys, and Wilson (score) confidence limits. The RISKDIFF option in the EXACT statement provides unconditional exact confidence limits for the proportion (risk) difference. The EQOR option in the EXACT statement provides Zelen’s exact test for equal odds ratios.


The UNIVARIATE procedure now produces graphs that conform to ODS styles, so that creating consistent output is easier. Also, you now have two alternative methods for producing graphs. With traditional graphics you can control every detail of a graph through familiar procedure syntax and GOPTION and SYMBOL statements. With ODS Graphics (experimental for the UNIVARIATE procedure in SAS 9.2), you can obtain the highest quality output with minimal syntax and full compatibility with graphics produced by SAS/STAT and SAS/ETS procedures.

The new CDFPLOT statement plots the observed cumulative distribution function (cdf) of a variable and enables you to superimpose a fitted theoretical distribution on the graph. The new PPPLOT statement creates a probability-probability plot (also referred to as a P-P plot or percent plot), which compares the empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf) of a variable with a specified theoretical cumulative distribution function. The beta, exponential, gamma, lognormal, normal, and Weibull distributions are available in both statements.