What's New

What's New in the SAS 9.2 Open Metadata Interface: Reference and Usage


The SAS Open Metadata Interface documentation has been reorganized. You need information about this reorganization to successfully use this book.

The SAS 9.2 Open Metadata Interface software has been enhanced to provide improved metadata access, authorization, and server control functionality. It also offers a new security administration interface.

See the following topics for information about specific enhancements in each area:

Documentation Changes

This What's New section describes enhancements to the SAS Open Metadata Interface. For information about enhancements to the SAS 9.2 Java Metadata Interface, see What's New in the SAS 9.2 Java Metadata Interface. For information about enhancements to the SAS 9.2 Metadata Model and SAS language interfaces to metadata, see their documentation.

Metadata Access Enhancements

The SAS Open Metadata Interface provides the IOMI server interface for creating and accessing metadata in a SAS Metadata Repository. The IOMI server interface has been enhanced to improve functionality in several areas. The areas and specific enhancements are as follows:

Other changes in the IOMI server interface include:

Authorization Enhancements

The SAS Open Metadata Interface provides the ISecurity server interface for requesting authorizations on metadata. The ISecurity server interface has been enhanced as follows:

Server Control Enhancements

The SAS Open Metadata Interface provides the IServer server interface for controlling the SAS Metadata Server and getting server status information. The IServer server interface has been enhanced as follows:

New Security Administration Server Interface

A new server interface, ISecurityAdmin, provides three categories of methods: