What's New

What's New in the SAS 9.2 XML LIBNAME Engine


SAS 9.2 provides two versions for XML LIBNAME engine functionality.

The XML92 engine nickname provides the following enhancements and changes:

See Understanding the XML LIBNAME Engine Versions: XML and XML92.

Enhanced LIBNAME Statement

The LIBNAME Statement Syntax has the following enhancements for the XML92 engine nickname. Some functionality is for SAS 9.2 Phase 2 and later, and some functionality is for the third maintenance release for SAS 9.2.

For both the XML and XML92 engine nicknames, the value RELAX for the XMLPROCESS= option has changed to PERMIT. XMLPROCESS=PERMIT accepts character data that does not conform to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications. Use XMLPROCESS=PERMIT cautiously; this value is provided as a convenience. If an XML document has non-escaped characters, the content is not standard XML construction.

New XMLMap Functionality

XMLMap functionality has the following enhancements for the XML92 engine nickname:

Obsolete Syntax

For the XML92 engine nickname, the following syntax is obsolete: