What's New

What's New in the SAS Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office


The SAS Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office has the following changes and enhancements:

For information about the new features and enhancements in the SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office, see What's New in the SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office.

Role-Based Settings

Because the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office is used by a variety of people and groups within an organization, your administrator might choose to restrict the menu items and functionality that users can access. By default, the SAS add-in ships with several default roles. These roles manage the availability of application features.

New Tools for Managing Server Connections and Profiles

The Connections window now enables you to examine your metadata server connection and perform the following tasks:

Specifying Security Settings

The new Security tab in the SAS Add-In Options dialog box enables you to specify the security settings for password-protected data in a workbook. You can specify the duration of security credentials.

Previewing Results and Restoring Content

If you are using the SAS Report format for your results, you can now preview your results before they are inserted into Excel, Word, or PowerPoint. Using the new Preview and Preview Changes windows, you can choose to insert all of the results or only selected items.

If you delete SAS content or choose not to include content in the results, you can now restore content by using the new Restore Content window. From this window, you can choose to restore all of the content or only selected items.

Opening an OLAP Cube into a PivotTable

When an OLAP cube is opened into the PivotTable report, the SAS add-in automatically populates the rows and columns of the PivotTable. However, you can add additional variables, calculated measures, or calculated members to the PivotTable. Using the SAS add-in, you can now create calculated members and calculated measures for an OLAP cube.

New and Enhanced SAS Tasks

General Enhancements

Enhanced Tasks

The following tasks have been enhanced:

New Tasks

The new List Report Wizard enables you to create detail or summary reports. A detail report contains one row for every observation selected for the report. A summary report consolidates data so that each row represents multiple observations.

The following tasks are available in a maintenance release of the SAS Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office: