SAS Information Delivery Portal

Before You Upgrade: Record Changes to web.xml.orig File

If you installed the first maintenance release for the SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.2, then you might have manually updated the SAS-installation-directory\SASInformationDeliveryPortal\4.2\Configurable\wars\sas.portal\WEB-INF\web.xml.orig file. When you apply the third maintenance release for SAS 9.2, these changes might be lost. Therefore, it is important that you document these changes before you apply the maintenance release.

Post-Configuration Steps for the SAS Information Delivery Portal

Use the following table to determine what (if any) post-configuration steps you need to complete. To determine the product release number for the SAS Information Delivery Portal, see the deployment registry report that you generated before you applied the third maintenance release. For more information, see Determining the Product Release Numbers for Products at Your Site.
When Post-Configuration Steps Are Required
Update Scenario
Are Post-Configuration Steps Required?
You are applying the third maintenance release, the product release number for the SAS Information Delivery Portal is 4.2_M1, and you enabled unchallenged access at your site.
After the first maintenance release for the SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.2, you could enable unchallenged access to the content in the Portal. To restore this unchallenged access, you might need to update the SAS-installation-directory\SASInformationDeliveryPortal\4.2\Configurable\wars\sas.portal\WEB-INF\web.xml.orig file. If you do, then the sas.portal4.2.ear file must be rebuilt and redeployed. For more information, see Enabling Unchallenged Access in the SAS Information Delivery Portal at
After you apply the third maintenance release, you have portlet configurations that you no longer use.
Yes, if you want to remove these portlet configurations.
For more information, see “Removing Portlet Configurations” in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide.
You are upgrading from the SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.2 to the SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.3.
For more information about the new release and the steps for upgrading to this new release, see SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.3.