This document describes
how applying a maintenance release or upgrading to a new product release
might affect your site.
This document is organized
into the following parts:
“General Information about
Maintenance Releases and Product Upgrades” provides information
that is common to applying maintenance releases and upgrading products.
This part contains
the following information:
a brief summary of this document
a brief announcement about new
product releases, product-specific maintenance releases, and future
product updates
an explanation of product release
numbers and how you can determine what products you are running at
your site
how you can use the installation
files to verify or troubleshoot your installation
“Third Maintenance Release
for SAS 9.2” describes how to apply the third maintenance release
for SAS 9.2.
This part contains
the following information:
brief descriptions of the SAS 9.2
release and the three subsequent maintenance releases
how to prepare your site before
you apply the third maintenance release for SAS 9.2
how to install the third maintenance
release by using the SAS Deployment Wizard and how you can verify
that the installation was successful
any configuration steps that you
might need to perform after the installation is complete
how the third maintenance release
for SAS 9.2 affects other SAS products and any product-specific tasks
that you are required to complete to ensure that your programs and
SAS applications work correctly after you apply the maintenance release
“Product-Specific Maintenance
Releases” provides more information about maintenance releases
for other SAS products. Not all SAS products have maintenance releases.
Review the contents of this part to determine whether the products
at your site have additional updates to apply.
“New Product Releases”
provides more information about the new product releases that shipped
after the third maintenance release for SAS 9.2. Review the contents
of this part to determine whether the products at your site have a
new product release.