SAS Order Information

After you download your order to an existing SAS Software Depot, you can use the SAS Order Information (SOI) file to determine what products were in your order and when the order was placed. The location of the SOI is in your SAS Software Depot in install_doc\order-number\soi.html.
Here is an example of the information that you might see in the SAS Order Information file.
Example of SAS Order Information File
When you run the SAS Deployment Wizard, SAS identifies the product files in your SAS Software Depot that need to be updated based on your order. By default, all orders that are 10w20 or later include the third maintenance release for SAS 9.2. The third maintenance release is represented by TS2M3 in the Product field. If you have not applied the third maintenance release for SAS 9.2 at your site, then this maintenance release is applied when you run the SAS Deployment Wizard.
You can use the revision numbers in the Product field to determine when your order was placed. In this example, the revision number is Rev. 920_10w34, which means that the order was placed in the 34th week of 2010. If your order includes the third maintenance release for SAS 9.2, then the revision number in the Product field is 10w20 or later.