Oracle WebLogic Server

Complete these steps:
  1. Create a backup of each WebLogic directory.
    Note: WebLogic files are saved in SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web. If you have backed up your SAS configuration directory, then you have successfully backed up your WebLogic directory. For more information, see Creating and Removing Backup Files.
  2. Stop and delete all SAS Web applications.
    1. Open the WebLogic Administration Console.
    2. In the Domain Structure panel, select Deployments.
    3. In the Change Center panel, click Lock and Edit.
    4. In the Summary of Deployments panel, select the check boxes for all SAS Web applications. Then select Stopthen selectForce Stop Now.
    5. In the Force Stop Application Assistance panel, click Yes.
    6. In the Summary of Deployments panel, refresh the view until all selected applications show a Prepared state.
      Note: The SAS managed servers should still be running.
    7. In the Summary of Deployments panel, select the check boxes for all the SAS Web applications, and then click Delete.
    8. In the Delete Application Assistant panel, click Yes. A message confirms the deletion of the selected deployments.
    9. In the Change Center panel, click Activate Changes.
  3. Stop the managed servers for the Web applications (such as SASServer1 and SASServer2). For more information, see Starting or Stopping an Oracle WebLogic Server in SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
  4. Stop the Administration Server and the Node Manager.