Display the batch job
properties, including file pathnames, start time, end time, and status.
Open the program log
in the SAS Studio work area.
Open the program results
in a separate window.
Cancel a running batch
job. Any output that has been created by the job is not deleted.
Program Package
as the Save as type option.
SAS Program Summary
the Save as type option. The Program Summary
is saved as an HTML file.
Macro Variable
name of the application.
application version number.
the full path and filename of the SAS program that is currently being run. This macro
variable is available only for SAS program files that are saved on the same server
on which
your SAS Studio code is running.
or %put _global_
in your
SAS program, the output does not include any special characters. For
example, slashes are not included in directory paths. To view the
output with these special characters, you must specify the individual
macro variable by name, such as %put &_sasprogramfile;
data topn; length rank 8; label rank="Rank"; set topn; by &category descending &measure; if first.&category then rank=0; rank+1; if rank le &n then output; run;
data topn; length rank 8; label rank="Rank"; set topn; by &category descending &measure; if first.&category then rank=0; rank+1; if rank le &n then output; run;
proc sql; select * from sashelp.cars; select * from sashelp.class; quit;