Sending Your Results to Another User

You can send a copy of your results and the associated code and log files to another user through electronic mail. Files that you can send include results in HTML, RTF, and PDF formats as well as the code and log files that are associated with the results. You can also send a Program Summary file, which includes information about the program execution, the complete SAS source code, the complete SAS log, and the results. The code, log, and program summary files are sent as HTML files. To send files through e-mail, you need access to an SMTP server. For more information, contact your site administrator.
Note: If your SAS Studio e-mail messages are being marked as junk mail, see SAS Studio 3.2: Administrator's Guide for information about your configuration file.
To send results by e-mail:
  1. On the toolbar for your results, click Mail results button. The Send Email window opens.
    Send Email window with default settings
  2. Select the items that you want to include as attachments to your e-mail. By default, the HTML results are selected.
  3. In the To box, enter the e-mail addresses to which you want to send the files. Separate addresses with a semicolon.
  4. If you want to send a copy of the e-mail to another address, enter the address in the Cc box.
  5. In the Subject box, enter a subject for the e-mail. You can also add a message to include in the body of the e-mail.
  6. Click Send to send the message and attachments.