Save a Task and Its Option Settings

If you use a task frequently, you might want to save the task after you specify the input data source and the option settings. In SAS Studio, you can save a task as a CTK file in your Folders directory. The next time that you need to run the task, double-click the task in your Folders directory and the task appears with all of your previous settings.
Note: Before you can save a task, you must specify an input data set and all the options that are required to run the task.
To save a task:
  1. Click Save As button. The Save As window appears.
  2. In the My Folders directory, select the location where you want to save the task file and specify a name for this file. For the file type, select CTK Files (*.CTK). Click Save.
The task is now available from the Folders section.
Rank Data 1.ctk File in mytasks Directory
Note: In the Tasks section, you are still working with this task. If you save the task again, the CTK file in the Folders section is updated.