About the tasks.xml File

The tasks.xml file lists the tasks in a category. You need a tasks.xml file for every task category that you create.
Because the simple repository contains only one category, all the task-related files are stored in the data directory.
Location of tasks.xml File for the Simple Repository
Double-click the tasks.xml file to open it in the workspace. You should see this code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <Name label="List Data"/>
      <Template uri="./ListData.ctm"/>

1 Use the Tasks element to group all tasks into a single category. This element must contain one or more Task elements.
2 Use the Task element to define each task in the category. Both the Name and Template elements are required. The Name element specifies the name of the task by using the required label attribute. The Template element specifies the location of the CTM or CTK file by using the required uri attribute. The location of the CTM or CTK file can be relative or absolute.
In the simple repository, the ListData.ctm file is saved with the tasks.xml file in the data directory.