How to Access Repositories in SAS Studio

  1. Click Preferences icon and select Preferences. The Preferences window appears.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Repositories.
  3. In the Repositories pane, click Add icon.
  4. In the Add Repository window, complete these steps:
    1. Specify the name of the repository (as you want the name to appear in SAS Studio).
    2. Specify the URL for the repository.
    3. Click Add.
    The repository that you added is now listed in the Preferences window.
    Simple Repository in the Preferences Window
  5. Click Save to close the Preferences window.
After a repository is specified in your preferences, you can access any tasks or snippets in that repository from the Tasks and Utilities section or the Snippets section in the navigation pane.
In this example, the Simple Repository contains one task and one snippet. To view the task, open the Tasks and Utilities section in the navigation pane.
Simple Repository in Tasks and Utilities Section
To view the snippet, open the Snippets section in the navigation pane.
Needle Plot Snippet in the Simple Repository