Creating Your Filter

To create a filter for the input data source:
  1. In the Tasks section, expand the Data folder, and then double-click Filter Data. The user interface for the Filter Data task opens.
  2. Select an input data source.
    If the data set is not available from the drop-down list, click Select a table icon. In the Choose a Table window, expand the library that contains the data set that you want to use. Select the data set for the example and click OK. The selected data set should now appear in the drop-down list.
  3. In the Variable 1 box, select the variable that you want to use in the filter.
  4. From the Comparison drop-down list, select the comparison operator. The default value is Less than.
  5. From the Value type drop-down list, choose one of these options:
    • Enter value specifies that you want to enter a value in the Value box.
    • Select distinct value specifies that you want to select a value from the input data source. The Value drop-down list shows the first 100 unique values for that column.
    • Enter a percentile specifies that you want to enter a percentage in the Value box.
  6. To create a compound filter, select a value from the Logical drop-down list. Then specify the values for Filter 2.
  7. To specify a name for the output data set, expand Output Data Set and enter the name for the output data set in the Data box. You can select the variables to include in the output data set.
    To view the output data in the results, select Show output data. You can choose to view a subset or all of the data.